Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Gabrielle’s POV

“Come on, just one more store,” Bella begged.

“I really have to get back,” I told her.

“Why? Your dad isn’t even home yet, he had to work today right?”

“Yeah, but I just need to get home,” I said. It was getting closer and closer to five, and I needed to be home least twenty minutes before, and it was currently 4:10.

“Well since you aren’t giving me a legit reason why you have to leave, we’re going to one more store,” she said, and I rolled my eyes as she dragged me into one last store.

I waited at the side of the store, anxiously tapping my foot as I waited for Bella to hurry up with looking at whatever clothes she was looking at. About ten minutes later she’d had enough of me just focusing on leaving instead of giving my wholehearted opinion on what she might want to try on or buy.

“You’re such a buzz kill sometimes,” she told me, and I knew she was just joking.

The two of us walked out to the parking lot, and searched for her car. Neither of us could remember exactly where she parked because it was a big lot, and pretty much every spot was filled. The cars that we had remembered were around where we parked had left now because we couldn’t find them. We eventually found Bella’s car, and after she unlocked it, we both got into her car.

I was constantly looking at the time on the drive back to my house, wishing Bella could just drive faster because it was already past 4:30. I could sense that she was purposely driving slower than she knew she could because she was bothered by the fact that I wasn’t telling her why I needed to be home so quickly. It’s fine though because I wasn’t expecting to get back to my house early, I just wanted to be there before five and have enough time to make sure that I looked presentable.

A few more minutes passed that felt like hours, but we finally arrived back at my house. I was relieved when I didn’t see any cars in the driveway or in front of my house, signaling that neither Harry or my dad was here.

“See ya later,” Bella said once she stopped her car in my driveway.

“Bye,” I told her, and got out of the car.

I waved to her as she backed out of the driveway, and I continued to walk up to my front porch. I got out my keys and went inside my house, locking the door behind me once I was in. I checked the time and I had about fifteen more minutes until Harry was supposed to come pick me up. I quickly went up the stairs to my room, and set my purse and the one shopping bag I had onto my bed.

All I ended up getting was a shirt that I already had, but in a different color because I liked the one that I had so much. I went ahead and hung the shirt up in my closet, and threw away the shopping bag. I was really wanted to change clothes before going out, but I knew I didn’t have time. I tried my best to change my outfit as much as I could though, because Harry had already seen me today in this outfit and I didn’t really want him to know that I was going to wear the same thing out as I did going shopping.

I quickly changed from the crème sweater I was wearing to a maroon one that was the same style, and put on a black scarf instead of the yellow plaid one that I had on earlier. I brushed through my hair a few times and touched up my makeup. I put on a headband and moved all the contents of my purse into a smaller one, and then headed back downstairs.

I checked the time again once I was down the stairs, and I saw that I had a little less than five minutes until Harry would be here. I began to wonder what he bought at the outlets today. He told me that he was buying something for tonight so I was obviously going to see, but I didn’t really get why he needed to buy something new.

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