Chapter 33

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Chapter 59

Harry’s POV

“Can you hand me the box of pasta?” my aunt asked me as she kept her eye on the stove.

“Yeah,” I said and walked over to the counter where my aunt had everything that she needed to use to make dinner all laid out.

She opened up the box of noodles once I handed it to her, and she poured it into the just boiled water. I still wasn’t sure of everything my aunt decided to make for the dinner, but judging how the kitchen island was covered with different ingredients and such, my guess is she was making a lot and going all out for everything she was making.

No matter how many times I attempted to tell her that she really didn’t need to make some extravagant dinner, she wouldn’t listen to me. Her attitude towards tonight’s dinner was that bigger was better. I was just worried what her attitude would be after she discovered that the girl she was so excited to have come over and to meet, she already knew pretty well.

I kept feeling like the dinner was going to be unbearably awkward once she figures out that it was Gabrielle who I was seeing, the figure skater that she knew from the rink when she used to work there. I really wanted to be in my room right now talking to Gabrielle on the phone so we could go over how we wanted this night to play out, but of course my aunt is making me stay in the kitchen to help her and isn’t letting me leave for anything.

Even when I had told her that I needed to go call Gabi, she wouldn’t let me leave, she told me that I would have plenty of time to talk to her tonight and that I didn’t need to remind her again about the dinner because I had just called yesterday to tell her when I’d be picking her up.

“Here Harry, be in charge of the pasta while I get the sauce started,” my aunt told me as she walked away from the stove and motioned for me to go over to where she just was.

She explained to me what to do, and even though I already knew what I was supposed to do because it wasn’t that hard, I just shut up and nodded at what she asked of me to do. A few moments later my aunt came back over to the stove with some ingredients, and set a pot a bit smaller than the one the pasta was cooking in, and set it on one of the other burners that was available.

After another hour of cooking had passed, my aunt and I had finished the pasta, the bread, and the veggies that she wanted to cook up for some sides. All we really had left to do was the salad, and the desert. My aunt told me that I could have a small break for about five minutes and then it was back to work in the kitchen. I really wanted to Gabrielle right now, but I knew five minutes wasn’t going to be long enough to talk right now, and I didn’t want to be in the middle of a conversation and then having my aunt pushing me back into the kitchen.

I decided to spend my five minute break from cooking, in the living room watching TV for a bit. The five minutes felt more like five seconds because before I knew it I was headed back to the kitchen, and my aunt was handing me a salad recipe and a bowl, telling me to get started and to not mess it up.

Ben came in a few times to watch us cook for awhile, but my aunt was reluctant to let him help prepare the food, but honestly I think he just wanted to watch, not actually take part in the action, the boring action.

After a little more than another hour of finishing the salad and adding little garnishes to the desert my aunt made, we were finally finished making everything that we needed to. It was starting to get a bit later now, so my aunt told me to go ahead and get dressed into nicer clothes and do everything I need to do to get ready.

I headed into my room and changed out of my sweats to put on a pair of jeans and a nice button up shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair a few times until it got the way that I wanted, and then put on a little bit of cologne before heading back out into the living room. I had made a stop in the kitchen to see if my aunt was already getting the table set and everything, but she wasn’t in there. I should’ve figured that it was going to take her longer to get herself ready, plus she also had to help Ben.

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