Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Gabrielle’s POV

A couple days had passed, and it was now Saturday, the day I was supposed to go to dinner with Harry. I had been so confused and surprised as to why he had even come over to my house in the first place. Considering that he did, I wished he would’ve come here earlier so I could’ve actually talked to him and hung out with him before my dad got back.

To make his unexpected arrival even more confusing, he basically just flat out asked me out, I hardly say he asked though, more like told me he was going to pick me up. I didn’t understand why he even asked me or why he apparently wanted to do it in person instead of just doing the easy thing and asking over text. I guess in a way I do understand because over text it would’ve been easier for me jut to say no because it wouldn’t have mattered if my dad came home or not.

When my dad had gotten back though, Harry had begun texting me again, and was telling me about his ideas and plans for picking me up tomorrow. Unfortunately he just had to be texting me when my dad had gotten home, and ever since I had quickly slammed my phone down so he couldn’t see who I was texting, my dad has been a bit suspicious.

I’ve had to be careful just not to really text at all when he’s around now, because now he pestered me even more about who I was texting, and was always walking behind me to glance at what I was doing on my phone. I’m just happy he didn’t bother to say anything to me again about it.

I guess he thought he was being sneaky or something with it, but he really couldn’t make it more obvious that he was trying to see who I was texting on my phone or just what I was doing in general on it.

I had just woken up this morning to the sound of my phone. At first I was a bit confused since I didn’t set my alarm last night.

After sitting up to try and wake myself up more, I grabbed the phone and saw that the device was just signaling that I had received a text. My first thought goes to Harry, but I was wrong once I saw Bella’s name shown up on the screen.

When I read the text about her talking about the shopping plan, I mentally slapped myself. I had completely forgotten about the shopping day with Bella when I was making plans with Harry. I could probably barely make it to both; I just had to be careful about the time when I’m with Bella because she could shop all day if she wants to.

I probably wouldn’t have to worry about this if Harry would’ve picked a different time. I didn’t understand why he chose five as the time to pick me up; I mean that is pretty early. If he would’ve chosen a later time like seven or eight, I probably would’ve been done shopping with Bella by then. Then again my dad would possibly be home at that time, and it would not be easy to have Harry pick me up, and could just lead to conflict with my dad.

I eventually got out of bed, and answered Bella’s text by telling her that I’d be ready in about twenty minutes. I went into my closet to find something that I should wear. I want something that I could wear shopping and to Banderas in case I didn’t have time to change. My normal shopping attire wasn’t going to cut it because Banderas was a particularly a fancy restaurant. I soon just decided on dark jeans, a crème sweater with a big folded collar, and a yellow plaid scarf.

Once I was dressed and had my hair and makeup done, I slipped on a pair of dark brown boots and then headed downstairs for breakfast.

“Good morning Gabi,” my dad said once he saw me arrive in the kitchen.

“Good morning,” I said back.

“Already ready to go shopping today?” he said and smiled.

“Yep,” I answered as I grabbed some bread out of the pantry and put it into either side of the toaster.

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