Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Harry’s POV

When I had woken up this morning, I had been in a decently good mood until I realized what I had to do today, but I knew that I really had to do it. The date itself wasn’t what I was really dreading today though.

Although I wasn’t looking forward to it, the part that I was really dreading today was the fact that I had to act like I jerk during the dinner. I knew that it was my idea to do this, and it sounded like a really good idea at the time, and it seemed to help Gabrielle with the stress she was feeling, but the closer it got time to having to pick Bella up, the more real it felt and the more nervous I was.

Usually most guys were nervous to pick a girl up for a date because; well it can just be nerve racking. However I was nervous for a completely different reason, I was nervous because I had to completely ruin the night. As it got nearer to the time I needed to start getting ready, and I had to keep telling myself not to back out of this, Gabrielle would be pissed if I didn’t go through with the plan.

As I was getting ready for tonight, I began thinking of all the ways that I could act like a jerk tonight and get her to be annoyed with me and not like me anymore. I texted her the time I was going to go pick her up, but I wasn’t going to show up on time. I didn’t tell her where I was taking her because I knew she was going to get dressed up and I was just going to take her to a simple diner, so I didn’t want her to know that yet. I went ahead and just put on a t-shirt, jeans, and converse.

When I showed up in pretty casual clothes, she was either going to think I was going to take her to a simple place, or she would think that we were going to a nice place and she was going to be embarrassed that I wasn’t dressed up.

I had contemplated on whether or not to take her to a nice place or not, but I had decided just to take her to the diner because I didn’t want to spend a ton of money on her food. Then again I was probably just going to have her pay for her own meal, so at least I was being a bit nice and wasn’t going to take her to an expensive place for her to pay for her own meal.

After I was completely ready I waited for a while and checked the time and saw that I was already almost ten minutes late. I didn’t want to be too late, and by the time I got to her house I would probably be at least twenty minutes late, so I decided that was plenty of minutes to be late.

When my aunt asked me where I was headed out to, I just told her that I was going to hang out with some of the hockey guys. I knew if I said Gabrielle she was probably going to tell me to just have her come over here, plus yesterday I had already told her that Gabrielle and I weren’t going to be able to hang out today.

I figured telling her that I was hanging out with some of the hockey guys was safe because since it didn’t involve coach, he couldn’t blab to my aunt about if I had lived up to what I told her. I obviously felt bad about not telling my aunt the truth, but there were some things that she really didn’t need to know, and I was acting a bit out of my comfort zone today so I had to just deal with it.

Once I was in my car, I typed in the address that Bella had texted me earlier into by GPS and started driving there once it showed me the directions.

I eventually arrived at her house, and parked on the side of the road since two cars already took up the driveway. I got out of my car and walked up to her front door, and only moments after I rang the doorbell it was opened up by Bella and the smell of her perfume instantly filled my scenes and I cringed a bit, it smelt like she had poured the entire bottle on herself. Her outfit was defiantly dressier than mine, so, so far so good.

When she went to get her purse, I noticed Gabrielle standing back in front of the living room, but close up enough that I could see her. I noticed she was staring at me so I looked over at her and sent her a quick smile, but let it fade once Bella came back. Before we left, Bella had asked Gabrielle if her dad was coming to pick her up or something, I wasn’t really listening.

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