Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

Gabrielle’s POV

On my drive to the airport, I ended up having to pull over and search up directions on my phone. I had finally given up on convincing myself that I knew where it was. I kept hoping I could just figure it out and not have to waste time looking for directions, but it’s what I ended up having to do.

I would’ve saved more time if I had just searched directions when I left, but I the time I was so certain that I knew where I was going and didn’t want to have to waste minutes by looking up how I get to a place I already knew how to get to.

I couldn’t help but smile at myself when I thought about how I just basically walked out of the house with my dad’s car keys. I was never really one to act out or rebel in that way. Sure there was lying about Harry, but that was different. I wondered what his punishment for me was going to be.

There really wasn’t anything he could take away from me since most of my days were spent skating or doing schoolwork, his punishments were limited. I mean he could take away my phone like he did before, but now it doesn’t have as much as an effect since before I was using it to talk to Harry. Taking away TV really won’t make much of a difference to me, and I’m sure he’d want to come up with a better punishment than that.

Driving toward the airport, I began to seriously think about what I might want to say to him. All the other times I’ve thought about it, I was convinced that I wasn’t going to go talk to him so I was just thinking about what I’d like to say to him, not what I really needed to say to him or exactly what I wanted to say. I never thought about this situation as serious as I am now.

This time I’m not going to let myself talk me out of doing this because I’m too scared or nervous to. I have to go see him, I have to and I’m going to, I’m not going to let myself turn this car around. I really have nothing to lose, I mean he’s leaving so I can really say whatever I want since I’ll most likely never see him again.

He is leaving, there’s nothing I could do to stop him from leaving, and I still hadn’t decided if I wanted him to stay or not. I just wanted some type of closure with him. It didn’t seem right to just let him leave without at least saying bye. I never wanted us to completely stop talking, but it was pretty much inevitable.

I broke up with him for what seemed like no good reason to him, so that doesn’t usually go down well to where we wouldn’t end up acting like the other didn’t exist for the longest time. I had to stop thinking about all this though and get my focus back on driving since I almost missed that last exit I needed to get on.

Before I knew it I was driving up to the airport, but I had to park in the stupid parking garage that was almost always full. I was not looking forward to having to find a spot in there because I knew that if I didn’t make it into the airport, that was going to be the only reason why since I wasn’t letting myself leave.

I drove around the bottom floor about twice before I finally decided I was going to give up and drive up to the next floor of the garage to find a spot.

Just to my luck though, I noticed a family walking out of the airport and towards the garage. I waited for them to get in their car and drive away before I gleefully pulled into the newly opened spot. I quickly got out of the car and ran up to the entrance of the building.

After I got one of those passes to go through, I quickly headed over to security and since I only had my purse it should’ve gone quicker, but the people in front of me had so much crap with them that they could have checked onto the plane but decided to keep it with them.

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