Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Harry’s POV


The feeling of nervousness was completely taking over me right now. In this situation, most guys would just be worrying about whether or not the parents or aunt in my case was going to like the girl that was coming over. My nervousness right now is completely different from the norm right now.

My problem is that the girl already knows the adult I’m having her meet, the adult just doesn’t know that she already knows her, fairly well actually.

I looked at the time on the clock one last time before finally bringing myself to get up from the couch because I knew that I’ve stalled long enough at the house and I needed to get headed out to Gabrielle’s house. Plus I’d had enough of my aunt coming into the living room every minute and asking if I should go ahead and leave to go pick up Gabi.

As I was heading out the door, I let my aunt know that I was leaving and then quickly walked out the door before she could say anything to me. Looking at the time once I was in my car, I knew I was going to be a bit later than I said getting to Gabrielle’s house and picking her up, but I knew she’d understand. I was trying to stall my time the best I could because the later I got there, the shorter this night would last since Gabrielle had to be back home to finish school work as far as my aunt knows.

As I was driving, instead of barely making is past as the light turned yellow, as I usually did when I was going Gabrielle’s house, I took my time and slowed down at the yellow lights, stopping longer than I really needed to at stop signs, basically doing anything that would involve me stopping my car and taking me longer to get to where I need to be.

I’d soon decided that I had done enough stalling and that I really needed to get to Gabrielle’s house. I knew Gabrielle would understand why I had gotten to her house to pick her up a bit later than what she was told, but I knew my aunt wasn’t going to understand if I came back to the house with Gabrielle a lot later than she wanted.

I made my way into Gabrielle’s neighborhood and out of habit I just parked a few houses down like I always did, even though after I did that I realized I probably didn’t need to right now and it was just going to make Gabrielle have to walk further, but I didn’t really have enough time right now to start my car back up and drive up closer to her house.

I eventually got out of the car and started walking down the sidewalk until I was in front of her house. I headed up the driveway and then knocked on her door. It look her a bit longer than usual to get to the door which had me a bit worried at first, but nevertheless the door soon began to open revealing her wearing a floral dress and a jean jacket.

I also noticed that she had curled her hair a bit tonight and had added on a little more makeup which was a bit different seeing her from her usual straight hair and minimal makeup. She still looked as breathtaking as always though, and I wasn’t sure if I should point out her changed look for tonight or not, even though it looked good I didn’t want her to think that I preferred her this way.

“Hello,” I finally greeted after taking in her appearance, and I hoped I didn’t sound as nervous as I was.

“Hello,” she said back.

I reached my hand out for her and she happily grabbed it and laced her fingers with mine and then shut her front door with her free hand. The drive to my aunt’s house was pretty silent but I don’t think either of us really minded at this point. I didn’t stall with driving as much as I did when I was coming to get her because I knew she would probably take notice and I was already late as it is and I didn’t need my aunt getting angry with me, even though I’d rather have that happen then see her reaction when she “meets” Gabrielle.

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