Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Gabrielle’s POV

“So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?” Harry asked me as we continued to sit on the couch watching reruns on TV.

“I have no idea,” I honestly answered.

“You want to go out to eat?” he asked.

“Can we?” I asked him, not knowing if we had enough time or even how much time was left until my dad got back home.

“You tell me,” he said and held out his phone to me so I could see what time it was.

“Yeah we have a couple hours. We should probably eat somewhere close though,” I said.

“Works for me,” he agreed as he stood up from his seat on the couch.

“How do you even keep track of all the different times your dad comes home?” Harry asked me as we walked out of the living room and headed to the front door.

“I never really know what time he is going to get home everyday, I just know what time he is supposed to me let off to go home, and I know the days that he usually stays longer to work,” I explained to him.

“So what day is today? Does he stay longer today?”

“Usually he would stay longer today, but given the circumstances, I don’t think he’s going to stay longer today. If anything he’s probably going to leave his office as soon as he can to get home,” I told him.

“Wait, so are you sure we have enough time to go out to eat?” Harry asked as we walked out of the house and I locked the door behind me before we walked down the driveway.

“Yeah, we have plenty of time before he is even let off work for the day,” I told him.

“Okay,” he said and nodded and we continued to walk down the sidewalk until we approached Harry’s car. We both got into the car, and Harry began to drive out of the neighborhood.

“So where do you want to go to eat?” he asked me, as he was about to make the turn out of my neighborhood.

“There’s a pizza place a few blocks from here if that’s okay,” I suggested, not knowing if he was expecting an actual meal or if he was okay with just having a pizza.

“Yeah, pizza works,” he said, and I told him where he needed to go to get there once he pulled out of the neighborhood.

Once we arrived at the pizza place, Harry was about to park in the front of the parking lot, but I told him just to park in the back. I noticed that lately when I’ve been in the car with him he’s started to park nearer to the front. I felt like he was doing it in attempts to be polite so that I didn’t have a bit longer walk to the entrance of the building, but I honestly didn’t mind him parking at the back. I actually liked his concept of doing it, and no matter where he parked we would still end up in the same place, inside the restaurant.

“So have you been here before?” Harry asked, probably saying the first thing that came to mind so we could start up a conversation instead of walking in silence.

“Yeah, I went here the first time a few years go with my dad, and then me and Bella come here a lot,” I told him.

“So I can take it the pizza is good here?”

“Very,” I said, “I wouldn’t suggest to you a place with bad pizza,”

“I guess you’re right, that’s a good quality in a person,” he laughed.

“Yeah, if someone took me to a place with bad pizza I don’t know how I could ever trust them again,” I joked.

He laughed, and then reached to hold the door open for me as we made our way up to the entrance of the pizza place. When we walked in, the place was seat yourself, so we found an empty booth next to the wall and sat down.

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