Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Gabrielle’s POV

After my dad and I had arrived back at our house after leaving Bella’s, my dad had put some frozen lasagna in the oven, and we ate that for dinner once it was done. While we ate my dad and I were mostly talking about the renovations going on at the rink since it was supposed to open back up in a couple of weeks.

Then I just listened to my dad go on about how much training and practicing I was going to have to do since I was behind on my normal skating schedule right now. I had finally had enough of him going on about that so I quickly finished my dinner and told him that I was going to go up to my room. I was so excited to get back on the ice again soon, but my dad has been dragging all the fun out of it.

He goes on and on about how much I needed to practice, but then he hardly ever shows up to watch me. I get that he has to work, but he could at least come during the lunch break that he never uses, or change his working schedule to where he didn’t have to work as long or something along those lines.

When I had gotten to my room, I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, which is what I’ve basically been doing for the past few hours. I messed around on my computer a bit and played on my phone, but all that had gotten boring after awhile.

Now that it was getting pretty late, I was now just waiting for either Bella or Harry to call me to tell me about how the date went because I was dying to know. I was pretty sure that Bella was going to call me tonight because Harry might think I’d be asleep and wouldn’t want to wake me, whereas Bella doesn’t care if she wakes me up or not, she just wants me to answer. I eventually just gave up on waiting for Bella to call and I just decided that she was going to call me tomorrow.

No matter how much I wanted to know what happened, I made myself get under the covers and stop thinking about what all might’ve happened tonight. At first all the wondering and curiosity I had about tonight was keeping me up, but I kept telling myself to stop thinking about it because the sooner I got to sleep the sooner I would probably be waking up to the sound of one of them calling me tomorrow morning.

Just as I was starting to feel myself going to sleep, my phone started ringing. I groaned as I turned my lamp on and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I looked at the screen and saw Bella’s name on it, and I was instantly fully awake again.

“How was your date?” I asked just as I had pressed the answer button.

“Terrible,” she sighed and I smiled to myself.

“What happened?” I asked her, continuing on with pretending I didn’t know anything about how Harry acted tonight.

“He was so rude to me and I don’t know where this personality change came from,” she told me.

I knew where it came from.

“He was so sweet and nice to me at the park and now its like he is a completely different person,”

“What did he do?” I asked her since hearing what all Harry did was pretty much the only reason that I answered the phone right now.

“Well first off he could’ve told me that he was taking me to the diner, because I was completely over dressed. Then on the way there while I was talking to him, he told me to stop talking because I was annoying him,” she began, and I had to hold back a laugh.

“He told me not to get a cheeseburger and to just get a salad because I needed to watch my weight being a figure skater and that I was already on the edge. Then he took me water and poured what was left in it into his cup. Then to end off the dinner he made me pay for my own food and then he winked at the waitress,” she finished and I was holding back a laugh right now, trying my best not to let it slip out right now.

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