Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Harry’s POV

Close to another week of the break has gone by, and I’ve basically spent almost everyday this week with Gabrielle. There was no meeting at the buffet this week, so I had the time too which I was pleased with. She has been pretty stressed this week with all the lies she’s seemed to have been telling and been having to keep up with.

Ever since she told me about how someone told Bella that they saw us at the pizza parlor together, she’s been so worried. I would never tell her but I hated how worried she was with all this because now all we would do when I came over was just sit in the living room and watch TV, and occasionally we would attempt to cook something with the little ingredients that she had in her kitchen.

I mean sometimes it was fun and all, but I really wanted to go out and do something, but Gabrielle was too worried that someone else would catch us again and tell Bella, or even worse her dad. I kept telling her that we could just go somewhere a bit further out of town, but she still wasn’t having it.

She didn’t want to be in another situation where she’ll have to come up with another lie to tell to Bella. When Bella had asked about the pizza parlor, Gabrielle told me that she just told Bella that maybe her source of information was wrong because she was there by herself. I don’t remember exactly but I just know it had to do with her being there by herself or whatever.

Gabrielle was worried that if somehow Bella heard again that she was seen with me, or a hockey player in general, Bella would probably think something was up and wouldn’t believe anything that Gabrielle told her on the topic unless it was true, there was no way she could make something up to get out of it, at least that’s what she told me. I stopped thinking about the whole situation long enough to check the time to see how much longer I had until I needed to head over to Gabrielle’s house.

Looking at the time I figured that I had just enough time to get a quick something to eat before I headed out. I got up from where I was sitting on my bed in my room and headed into the kitchen. I couldn’t hear or smell my aunt making breakfast like I usually do when I come out of my room, but I remembered that it was a bit later than I usually liked to wake up, and my aunt made Ben stop waking me up. I’d basically been in my room on my phone for most of the morning after I had gotten dressed.

“Hey,” I said to my aunt once I walked into the kitchen and saw her cleaning everything up.

“Where have you been? I was about to send Ben in there to wake you up and make sure you were still alive,” she told me as she placed a pan into the dishwasher.

“I was just tired I guess, felt like sleeping in,” I shrugged.

“Yeah, you’ve been tired a lot lately and feeling like sleeping in, it’s probably you not getting home until late every night,” she said.

“Hey where is Ben anyway?” I asked her in attempts to change the subject.

“He’s in the den watching TV, now don’t think that you’ve changed the subject, I’m not done,” she told me, catching my motive of trying to get her to change the topic because I knew where the conversation was going to be headed.

It was going to be headed in the same direction most of our conversations have been going in lately. Sometimes she’s been letting me get away with changing the subject but obviously not this time.

“So where are you heading right now?” she asked me, “The same place that always seems to result in you coming home late?”

I rolled my eyes, and attempted again to get out of this conversation by this time just walking away from the kitchen.

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