Chapter 1

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*Micks POV*

"Micky are you almost ready? Players have to be there 30 minutes earlier so we have to leave like now!" Matt complained through the door.

"Yeah! I'm almost ready you can come in now." Matt opened the door and sat down on the couch in the corner of my room."

Matt, my best friend and next door neighbor and I were going to the football game at our school. He was playing in it so we had to leave early which was why he was yelling to go. We've been best friends since we were 5 so we knew eachother pretty well. But anyway, my names Mickella people call me Mick or Micky for short. I have wavy long strawberry blonde hair and greenish blue eyes. We're both sophomores at a private school called Bishop Ireton High. Matts a wide receiver for our football team, number 81. Matt was in his uniform ready to go and i was wearing one of his spare jerseys with black leggings. During the games the players usually give their girlfriend or friend their spare jersey to wear and Matts always picked me.

"Ok noooow are you ready?" He moaned.

"Yes ok ok let's go, who's driving?"

"I am, c'mon." He said leading me out of the house and to the car.

"Matt omigod we still have an hour to get there! Why are we leaving so early?!" I exclaimed noticing the clock.

"Because I'm taking you out to ice cream for your birthday tomorrow." He said with a sly look on his face.

"Matt yeees I love you!!! Thaaank you!"

"Coldstone?" He asked.

"Obviously." I stated because he knew it was my favorite.

"Thought so."

We arrived at Cold Stone and I got cotton candy ice cream in a cake cone with rainbow sprinkles and Matt got mint chocolate chip in a pretzel cone. We get the same thing almost every time.

"So how has your sister been recently?" Matt asked taking a bite from his ice cream.

I lived with my two adoptive parents since my birth parents didn't want me I guess. I also have an older sister, McKenzie. (My adoptive parents are her birth parents.) She's 20 now and has been in and out of rehab for drug addiction since she was 17. It's been mostly for heroin but she's been sober for the past 5 months but you never know if she'll relapse. I don't talk to her a lot because I'm waiting until she's definitely sober. She's hurt my whole family so many times I don't like dealing with her anymore.

"As far as I know she's been doing well. She got her own apartment and is taking online classes for her college but I just hope she keeps being clean."

"Yeah, me too."

"I want to see her but I don't want her hurt us again. Ya know?"

"Well I mean she has been clean for a few months now and you havn't seen her in almost a year, maybe you could ask your parents to take a trip to see her. How far away does she live?"

"Only an hour and a half she lives in Baltimore."

"Would you want to go up next weekend? I can take you if your parents say its alright."

"Would you really? I mean if you don't want to you don't have to."

"No I want to as long as you do."

"Ok, in that case I'll ask my parents and hopefully they'll say yes."

We finished up our ice cream and headed to the football game. Matt made sure I found my friends and then made his way to the locker room.

We ended up winning the game and Matt had a couple of great plays. Some people even interviewed him afterwards for this segment on ESPN they're doing about high school football.

I met up with him after his interview and we went to his house instead of the party afterwards. We usually go to the after-parties but tonight we were tired and just wanted to stay in. It was already 10:30 so we just went to Matts and watched a movie.

We went to Matts room and both changed into our favorite flannel pajama pants and he put on a t-shirt while I put on my tank top from Ocean City. I've stayed at Matts house so many times I have stuff at his house.

"What movie do you wanna watch tonight?" He asked me turning through our collection of DVDs.

"Uhmmm I'm kinda feelin The Breakfast Club tonight."

"Me too! I was thinking that earlier when we saw that last Molly Ringwald movie."

"You mean Sixteen Candles?"

"Well yes but don't you dare tell anyone about that."

"What that you love chic flicks?" I teased.

"I don't love chic flicks." He said throwing the DVD case at me.

"Oh please! You can practically quote The Last Song!"

"Only because you make me watch it so much!"

"Haha whatever just play the movie." He put in the DVD and plopped next to me on the bed.

"Wait!" I yelled pausing the movie.

"The popcorn!" Matt finished my sentence for me. We ran downstairs and threw in a bag of popcorn and the seasoning we always put on it.

"Ranch or Chili Lime seasoning?" Matt asked.

"Is that even a question?"

"You're right." Matt said grabbing the ranch seasoning.

I grabbed two Snapples and we darted back up to Matts room.

"Read your fact." Matt nudged me as I took off the cap to my tea.

"Ok real fact #115; bamboo makes up 99% of a pandas diet. Your turn."

"Alright, real fact #769; if a sheep and a goat mate their offspring is called a geep." We both looked at eachother and started laughing.

"Ok ok put on the movie!' I said taking some popcorn.

"Hey kids." Mrs. Espinosa walked into the room.

"Hey Mrs. E." I greeted her.

"Oh happy early birthday Mick!"

"Thank you!"

"I can't believe you're already going to be 16 uhg my babies are growing up so damn fast."

Mrs. E was like a second mom to me...sometimes she felt more like my mom then my real mom did (whenever I say real mom I'm talking about my adoptive mom not my birth mother.) But sometimes my mom was so preoccupied with McKenzie she forgot about me. I mean it's fine I understand dealing with an addict is a lot of work but whenever my real mom would slack off Mrs. E was always there for me, Mr. E too. I loved the Espinosas.

"Matt your father and I are leaving for his business trip early tomorrow morning and you know we'll be gone for a week." She gave Matt some rules and then said goodnight. We resumed the movie and it was one of our favorite parts. The scene where they all get high in the library, but then afterwards they sit in the circle and share why they're there and a little bit of their life with eachother.

But that's the last part I remember before I fell asleep.

*Matt's POV*

It turned 12 so I leaned over to Mick to tell her Happy Birthday but realized she was asleep.

"Happy Birthday Micky." I whisper in her ear before dozing off.

Just kind of a taste of the book so far I guess. Tell me what you think and I'll take any constructive criticism! Follow my twitter if you want! It's mattspotatos

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