Chapter 3

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We ate and then I told her my real present for her.

"Ok Mick, so for your birthday we're going to take a little Baltimore."

"To see McKenzie?" She was a little confused.

"Well we can do that too if you want but the real purpose of the trip is to take you to the Baltimore Aquarium. They're having a swim with dolphins day and I know that's on your bucket list so I signed us up."

"Are you serious?! Omigod!!!" She jumped out of her seat and hugged me.

"We're leaving as soon as we're finished so-"

"I'm done!" She said as I laughed.

"Ok your bathing suits are still in your drawer I think but if not we can run to your house real quick." Since Micks over here so often the bottom drawer of my dresser has become hers. She ran downstairs with a bikini and told me she was ready to go. We jumped in the car and were off to Baltimore.

*Micks POV*

"Matt?" I asked him.


"After the aquarium...I think I want to see my sister." I turned to him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm positive."

"Ok well call her and tell her we'll see her Sunday. We can stay in Baltimore for the weekend and then visit her tomorrow."

"Thanks Matt."

"No problem, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

"Yeah, I hope."

We arrived at the aquarium at 1 and took a tour around it until it was time to swim with the dolphins at 3. Once it neared 2:45, Matt and I took off to the dolphin exhibit. There was a lady standing there and asked if we were Matt and Mickella, we said yes and she led us to the changing rooms and then out to the dolphins.

It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I honestly don't know where I'd be without Matt. He's made so many good things happen in my life I don't know if I'd be here if it weren't for him. I remember one night, I was 14 and my sister had relapsed again. It was only a month after her last overdose and she had promised me she'd never do it again. That she'd stay clean for me, but she didn't. She shot up and got high once again and her roommate found her passed out in their apartment. When my parents heard the news they went up to visit her in the hospital and once again forgot about me. They had called the Espinosas in the car to tell them to check up on me if they didn't mind and that's how Matt found out what had happened. He immediately rushed over to my house and found my in my room crying with pills in my hand. I was going to end my life. I felt like no one cared about me. My sister had broken her promise to me once again, my parents had left me to go be with my screwed up sister instead, and my birth parents didn't want me at all. My parents, the people who were supposed to care for me and love me more than anyone in the world didn't want me.

If I didn't want to live and no one cared about me then what was stopping me? I might as well overdose just like my sister, the only difference is I'd be successful. As was about to end everything when Matt came in and found my like that. He ran over and knocked the pills out of my hand and cried with me. He told me to never hurt myself because if I died he'd die too. He said every piece of him would be broken. He sat with me and talked to me the whole night and talked me out of every suicidal thought left in my head. He was my rock and honestly my life saver. Matthew Lee Espinosa was my superhero.

Once our session was over we got changed and met back outside of the dolphin exhibit.

"Do you wanna go get some dinner?" Matt suggested.

"Sure, but on the way there I think I'm going to call my sister."

We got in the car and I scrolled through my contact list and finally found McKenzie's contact. My thumb hovered over it and pushed on it unknowing if I'd regret this or not. The phone rang three times before I finally heard someone pick up...

Another short chapter but again updating 4 at once. I have a really good idea for the sister but I don't know quite how it'll go down yet but it should definitely be exciting.

Twitter: mattspotatos

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