Chapter 32

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*Matt's POV*

It had been two weeks since my transplant and I've been feeling a little better. It was too early to tell though if the transplant had worked.

Right now Mick was out with Madi and Nash and I had just woken up from a nap. I may be feeling better but these medications they have me on make me absolutely exhausted.

As I scrolled through Twitter I heard a knock at the door and then footsteps entering my room. I assumed it was either one of my friends or family but instead I saw the tall, muscular figure that was Brandon.

"What are you doing here?" I ask standing up so I'm now at eye level with him.

"No need to be angry." He smirked "Just wanted to drop off a gift for you." He lifted up a blue gift bag and dumped out the contents on the table next to us.

"What's this?" I ask looking at what seemed to be women's clothing. There was a pair of grey skinny jeans, a black hooded sweater, and a pink bra.

"You don't recognize them?" Brandon asked picking up the jeans.

"No, what the hell is this about? If you're gonna play games then just leave." I say aggravatedly.

"Hey, I'm sorry man I didn't mean to frustrate you, I just thought Mick would want her stuff back."

"This isn't Mick's, why would you even have this?"

"Uhm no actually, this is Mick's. She didn't tell you?"

"Stop messing around, either get to the point or get out, I'm not saying it again."

"I'm sorry I just can't believe you didn't know, I mean Madi and your other friend knew, I'm surprised they didn't tell you." The way he talked, he was so full of himself. So confident and egotistic.


"You seriously don't know she slept with me?" He laughed.

"Get out." I exclaimed through clenched teeth.

"You don't believe me do you? Why else would I have her clothes I mean, do you blame her though? You've been sick for what two months now? I mean she's a great girl, she deserves someone who can be there for her and that just happened to be me."

"She wouldn't do that."

"Wouldn't she? Then why else would I have this?" He pulled out his phone and tossed it to me. On the screen was a picture of Mick in black lingerie holding a glass of what looked to be champagne. She was sitting on the couch in Brandon's living room with her long brown hair up in a ponytail, you could only see her from the back but I knew it was her, she was wearing the earrings I had gotten her for my Aunts wedding we had gone to a couple years ago.

"What the hell is this?"

"I think it's pretty obvious what it is but if you really want me to explain I can tell you everything that happened after that picture was taken.

"This isn't real." I stuttered. "Mick doesn't drink anymore, not after what you tried to do to her." I don't know why I said that because I knew that it was in fact her. I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want to think that she had had sex with anyone but especially Brandon of all people. I felt my face get red and a tear come into my eye but I held everything in so he wouldn't see I was upset. I knew that's what he wanted, he wants to know he hurt me because for some twisted reason he gets enjoyment out of that.

"I can tell you need some time to digest all of this but give Micky her clothes and please tell her I'm anxious to see her again." When he said that I wanted to knock that stupid grin off his face and beat the living shit out of him. I don't think I've ever been so angry, I wasn't just angry at Brandon though, I couldn't understand how Mick could do this to me. I've been nothing but good to her and this is how she thanks me?

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