Chapter 23

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*Friday afternoon (Halloween)*

*Mick's POV*

It was the end of the day at school and I was putting my books away while waiting for Matt to meet me.

Right before I was about to shut my locker door I felt Matt's arms around my waist. "Ready?" He said into my ear after kissing my cheek.

I shut my locker and turned around so I was now facing him. "Let's roll." I said giving him a funny face. We excited the school and headed out to the student parking section. As we were walking to Matt's car, Brandon drove by us flaunting his new red Jaguar he had recently received for his birthday. As he drove passed us Matt put his arm around me and brought me closer to him, he's even more protective of me around Brandon, but for good reason I suppose. Luckily I haven't had any run ins with him since the party a few days ago, I'm not sure why but he's almost been avoiding me since that night but hey I'm not complaining about it.

"I'm so hype for this party tonight." Matt said as he unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for me. And who said chivalry was dead?

"Me too." I said with a smile. "I'm surprised your mom's letting you have it though after I was "drugged" at the last party we went to."

"Haha yeah I was shocked." Matt said with a laugh. "I'm gonna stop by the store to pick some stuff up for tonight before the party if that's ok with you."

"Yeah that's fine."

"So have you talked to Bethany recently?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's kind of having a hard time with the divorce, I feel bad."

"It's not your fault." Matt said trying to comfort me.

"If I hadn't shown up at their house that day they'd still have their family together."

"Ok I told you this about Brandon and how I'll say it about Scott, it's not your fault that he's an asshole."

"I guess but I still feel guilty." I exclaimed right before my phone buzzed. "Speak of the devil." I said noticing Bethany's name on my phone screen.

"I'm meeting with my lawyer tomorrow at 5, is there anyway you (and Matt if you want) can watch Bentley?" I said reading the text outloud to Matt.

"Works for me."

"Awesome, I'll tell her we can do it. Bentley's adorable, I love him. It's so weird to think of him as my brother though, ya know?"

"Yeah it is weird, I was thinking that too."

Matt then pulled into the shopping center with our favorite grocery store, Wegmans. And yes you can have a favorite grocery store, if you have a Wegmans near you you'd understand.

"Ok let's split up, you go get the sodas and I'll get the candy." Matt proposed.

"Candy?" I asked forgetting about the holiday.

"Mick it's Halloween! We have to have candy!"

"Right, text me what aisle to meet you in when you're ready." I said standing on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. I then went off in search of the stores candy section. This grocery store has a full two aisles full of candy so I was sure to find something that would please Matt. I grabbed the classics; Reese's, Kit Kats, M&MS, Milky Ways, Candy Corn ect. As I was searching for some more crowd pleasers I eyed a box of Matt's favorites. He absolutely loves the gummy Krabby Patties so I picked up a couple boxes as a surprise. I've always found them a little disgusting but Matt's been in love with them since before I could remember.

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