Chapter 11

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Ok so quick note before I begin, I'd like to thank you guys for almost 200 reads thats crazy!! Also thank you to those of you who checked out my Shawn fanfic (Someone New) I have some really great ideas for that coming up so take a look at that if you haven't already ok thanks for reading! Oh and if you guys could vote that would be awesome ok thanks!

*Mick's POV*

"Maaatt, c'mon you're making us late!" I yelled through his door. We were meeting the guys for breakfast at 10 and Matt woke up late. It was already 10:15 so we had to hurry.

"Okay okay! I'm trying!" He grabbed his Vans and ran out the door barefoot. 

"Are you seriously gonna walk barefoot through the hotel? That's gross."

"I'll put on my shoes in the elevator c'mon!" We hurried to the elevator and pressed our floor.

"It doesn't even matter if we're late, it's just breakfast." He stated.

"Yeah, but unlike some people like to be on time." The elevator doors opened and we saw the boys in the dining hall. We sat in the seats they saved us and I apologized for being late.

"That's ok, we just got here like five minutes ago." Nash spoke up.

"See?!" Matt said throwing a Sweet N Low packet at me.

"So what do y'all want to do today?" Nash asked.

"I don't know about you guys but I want to go to the beach after this." Johnson said.

"Me too, I even have my bathing suit on underneath this since I figured we'd go after breakfast. I grabbed yours too." I said looking at Matt.

"Mickella you are the best." He replied.

After breakfast we walked to the beach and layed out our towels. I was just about to lie down when my phone rang. I picked it up to see it was my mom.

"Hello?" I answered the call and walked away to where the boys couldn't hear me.

"Hi Mickella it's mom."

"Uhm yeah...I know I have caller ID."

"Ok well I wanted to call to tell you we're staying a few more weeks."

"Wait, weeks?!"

"Yes, McKenzie was arrested for a DUI and we wanted to be with her to help her recover. We're going to rehab and staying with her. We don't want her alone right now."

"So you don't want McKenzie, an adult to be alone right now but you'll leave your 16 year old daughter home alone for a few weeks? I'm sorry explain what part of that makes sense."

"Mickella calm down. We will try and visit if you need us to. Dad's going home to get some more clothes in a couple days so he'll say hi if that makes you feel better." She said bitterly.

"No mom it doesn't make me feel better. I won't be home anyways I'm at a friends. I'll talk to you later I'm busy." I said hanging up furiously. 

Matt walked up to me just as the call ended and asked if everything was alright.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just don't feel great. I'm gonna go back to the hotel and rest I think."

"Ok, let me walk you down at least."

He told the guys that he'd be right back and then we walked back to the hotel. 

"So are you sure everythings ok?" 

"Yeah, I told you I just don't feel good."

"But I also know you were on the phone with your mom."

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