Chapter 8

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*Matt's POV"

"Clark family? The ultrasound results are back?"

Mick and I both stood up as the doctor walked over to us with the results. I looked at Micks hands and they were shaking, I held her close and we braced ourselves for the possibly devastating news. 

"I'm really sorry, but the child didn't make it. I've seen full grown men not survive the amount your sister consumed, it's remarkable she even pulled through. Again I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor walked out of the waiting room and we were left there to process everything that had happened this night. I was taking it better than Mick, I had expected that this would be the outcome but Micky was thinking it would be the opposite.

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with grief and sorrow. Her parents and Dylan had still not arrived but we didn't want to wait any longer. 

I wiped the tear away for her cheek as it fell. She was heartbroken and ready to just leave this dreadful, grey room.

"Let's get out of here." I said picking up her bag and taking her hand.

"Where will we go? We already checked out of the hotel don't even have anymore clean clothes and I sure as hell don't want to go back home and be alone for days on end. She knew her parents would forget about her again just like they had all the other times something happened to McKenzie.

"I have an idea."

"Can you just tell me what it is because I'm really not in the mood for any more surprises today."

"Let's go to Florida."

"Why would we go to Florida?"

"Some of the guys and I are going there this weekend and I want you to come. Let's just leave first thing tomorrow morning. I'll call the hotel to see if we can get my room a couple days earlier then scheduled and we can just chill in Florida."

"Matt... I don't know."

"C'mon we need an escape and I know you've always wanted to go to Florida."

"Are you sure that'd be ok? The guys will be cool with me coming?"

"Of course it's ok, and yes they'll love you. I'll text them right now." I texted Nash, Cam, Jack and Jack what was happening. Carter couldn't make it since it was his mom's birthday or something and he didn't want to miss it. 

Me: "Hey guys so I'm with Mick rn and a lot happened with her sister again, like the stuff I told you about a while ago, we kinda need to take a break from everything do you mind if she comes to FL with us this weekend?"

Nash: "Ya dude that's fine, excited to meet her finally. Cam's with me, and says the same thing."

Jack G: "You mean the girl you never shut up about? Ya let us meet her already."

Jack J: "I wanted to make a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich but just realized I don't have any bread."

Me: "Jack what the fuck?"

Jack G: "Yo dude I got some bread come on over."

Jack J: "Ok man but I'm bringing my own peanut butter I don't like the kind you have."

Me: "Uh so is everyone cool if I bring her?"

Jack J: "Yup."

Jack G: "For sure man. But how do you not like my peanutbutter?"

Jack J: "Its crunchy, and I don't do crunchy. Smooth is the way to go.'

Nash: "Yeah, of course."

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