Chapter 33

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*Nash's POV*

"You what?" I asked shocked.

"I can explain though!"

"Matt how, why, I don't understand how you could do that to her." I said becoming angry.

"It was a while ago that it happened and I really wouldn't do it again,it was a mistake! Just a one time thing." He rambled.

"That doesn't matter! What matters is you cheated on her!" I yelled

"I can explain though I-"

"I don't wanna hear it Matt. That's a really fucked up thing to do to a person especially someone like Mick. And you broke up with her when you thought she cheated on you?! That's messed up man, you're a real dick." I said angrily looking him in the eye.

"No I...I had to break up with her. I couldn't be with her knowing that I cheated on her, I've felt awful for months!"

"Months?! When did this even happen?" I asked angrily. "And with who?"

"At the party we threw on Halloween, her-"


"I know! But-"

"Just, tell me what happened." I exclaimed cutting him off.

"Well it was after I separated from Mick at the party, I went downstairs and there were some girls from Flint Hill there, I started talking to them and we were drinking a little and smoking, and this one girl was really wasted and she started coming onto me." He said this grinning as if he were almost proud of taking advantage of a girl who was drunk while he even had a girlfriend. "Anyway, I thought it'd be fine if we just hooked up a little bit or something so I took her into the guest room in the basement but things just kind of got out of hand and...we ended up having sex."

I was disgusted by him. Who does that?! And to Mick of all people! I couldn't be in the same room as him, he was repulsive. I opened the door and slammed it behind me as I left the hospital that I never planned on returning to.

I know I said I wouldn't tell Mick but she deserves to know. How would I tell her though? Maybe I'll talk to Madi and she'll know what to do. God, she's going to be heartbroken. I never though Matt could do something like that but I guess I was wrong. He's been head over heels for Mick for so long and he just threw it all away so suddenly. I've lost all respect for him, I've done a lot of shitty stuff don't get me wrong but I personally feel that cheating is a whole other level of low.


When I got back to Madi's, Mick was asleep so I decided to take the opportunity to tell Madi what happened.

"Omigod." She said as she covered her mouth after I explained the events of Halloween night. "What do we tell her?"

"I don't know...I was hoping you'd know what to do."

"I mean...I guess I just have to talk to her."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"Help you with what?" Mick asked walking into the living room.

"Nothing." Madi said moving closer to me.

"Nash can you go pick up a pizza or something for dinner?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be back in a little bit." I answered before walking out of the house. I knew Madi just wanted me gone so she could talk to Mick. I hope she'll be alright.

*Mick's POV*

"He cheated on you." Madi said after briefly going over the events of Halloween night. The words hit me like a truck, I could feel my heart shatter and then fall into my stomach.

I could almost feel myself falling. Wait, I was falling. What? This doesn't make any sense.

"Mick, Mick what's wrong?" I heard. What was going on?

"Mick!" Someone yelled as I jumped last second avoiding the dreadful drop I was about to face.

I opened my eyes and saw Matt sitting next to me stroking my hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I sat up.

"Did you cheat on me?" I asked point blank.

"What? No of course not."

Thank god. It was a dream. It was all a dream. Matt never cheated on me and Brandon never talked to him, we never broke up and everything was just a horrible twisted dream.

I sighed a sigh of relief and gave him a kiss.

"Why would you think I've cheated on you?" He laughed as I pulled away.

"It was just a nightmare." I answered snuggling into him as he kissed my forehead. "Wait, where's all your stuff?" I asked looking around the packed up room.

"Well." He said grinning. "When you were asleep, I got news that I can go home later today."

"What?! Matt that's great!" I exclaimed kissing him. "When can we leave?"

"My mom just has to sign some papers and then we're good to go." He said smiling. "So I should be home by 8 which is in a couple of hours.

"Do Madi and Nash know?"

"Yeah, I texted them."

"Omigod. You're coming home! I'm gonna go make sure everything's perfect for when you get there later ok?I'll see you when you get home!" I exclaimed excitedly. He laughed and said goodbye before I took off out of the building.

When I got home I called Madi and Nash to help me clean up and they were there immediately. We made sure everything was clean and I changed the sheets and washed the comforter on his bed along with tidying up his room which Nash helped me with.

"Madi can you run to the store and pick up some things for us to make dinner with? It's been a pretty long time since he's had a home cooked meal."

"Yeah of course, I'll be back in a little bit."

Matt's been gone a couple months now so him coming home was a big deal to us. While Madi was gone, Nash and I made a banner saying "Welcome Home" and blew up some balloons around the house. He's gonna love it.


"Guys Matt will be here in 10 minutes!" I yell as we set the table and added the finishing touches on dinner.

"This all looks amazing." Madi said looking around at the house.

"He's gonna love it Mick." Nash added.

"You guys helped! I barely did anything!"

"Yeah except practically clean the whole house, make most of the banner because let's face it all Nash did was color in the letters, make dinner, oh and blow up balloons."

"Ok I actually did the balloons, alright? Give credit where credit is due please." Nash exclaimed.

"Anyway, we thought we should let you and Matt have dinner together, Nash and I have reservations at Fiorello's so we'll see you later." Madi exclaimed giving me a hug.

"Tell Matt we'll drop by tomorrow alright?"

"Sure thanks again guys."


"Mick this all looks so great." Matt said as we walked to the kitchen. "You're amazing."

As Matt took a seat at the table it hit me. He was Matt again. He wasn't a cancer patient anymore he was a cancer survivor. He doesn't look pale or weak he looks...well like Matt. He even spiked his hair which he hasn't done in forever. Things were going to be okay I knew it, things were finally going to be okay.

A/N: this chapter sucks ass and I'm sorry but I've had a lot of shit on my mind but anyway I just hit 5 fucking k last night which is amazing I mean FIVE FUCKING K! THATS INSANE! Thanks for reading guys and don't forget to vote. I don't even know if I'll continue this book or if this will be my last chapter, if you have an opinion on that comment I guess lol ok thanks again.


Question of the Chapter: Which boy should I make my next book about??

Beside You: A Matt Espinosa FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now