Chapter 20

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*Matt's POV*

"There, I think that's everything." I say putting Mick's soda fade pennyboard into the last brown moving box.

"It looks so empty." Mick pointed out looking around the room. Everything was gone. Mick, my parents, and I had moved everything Mick owned into the spare bedroom in our house. My mom and dad know how bad everything is for her right now and wouldn't accept no as an answer to staying with us.

"Yeah it does, I'm gonna go take this last box over. Do you need a minute?" I said lifting the box up.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll just double check all the rooms to make sure I have everything."

I jogged down the stairs and crossed the lawn to go to my house. Once I set the box down in Mick's new room which was across from mine, I heard a ringing. I looked around the room and spotted Mick's phone on her bed. At first I just let it go but they called again so I answered in case it was an emergency.

"Hello?" I answered into the phone.

"Yes hello, this is Jenny from attorney Henry Lucas's office. Mickella we have some news. I am not sure if you are aware of this or not but-"

"Oh I'm not-"

"This is very important and it'd be better if you listen to me. Please try and understand that this is for the best but your parents have recently signed an emancipation form."

"Listen I'm-"

"Emancipation means that your parents are no longer legally your parents. You are your own guardian, in a more simpler way of putting it, your parents have disowned you. I'm very sorry if this is a shock to you."

I was speechless, how do I tell Mick?

"Mickella?' They asked into the phone.

"Uhm yes, thank you. I have to go." I frantically hung up and dropped the phone back onto the bed hearing Mick's footsteps.

"You good?" She asked seeing my stunned expression.

"What? Yeah I'm fine."

"Ok, well I'm gonna start unpacking."

"Do you need help?"

"I think I'm alright thanks though. You've done enough today, thanks." She said giving me a smile.

"Well if you need anything give me a shout. I'll be downstairs." I walked down stairs and grabbed my phone of the kitchen counter. I proceeded to go outside onto the deck so I was sure Mick wouldn't hear me. I picked up my phone and dialed Cameron, as much as he jokes around he usually knows what to do in bad situations.


"Cam, I need your advice on something." I anxiously say into the phone."

"Ok, what's up?"

As I explain the situation Cameron mutters a bunch of "Oh my God's" into the phone.

"And she has no idea?" He asked when I was finished.

"Not that I know of. I'm pretty sure she would have told me."

"Well I know it sucks especially cuz you have to tell her but I really would let her know. I mean it's not your business it's hers, if she doesn't have parents anymore man, she deserves to know. Besides she's going to find out sometime and if she figures out later down the road that you knew and didn't tell her that may lead to being a big problem."

"Yeah, you're probably right, ok thanks. I got to go talk to her then now I guess. Thanks again for the help."

"Anytime man." I hung up with Cameron and hesitantly walked back inside. This was the last thing I ever wanted to do. And for the love of God can her family stop being so problematic so we can focus on our relationship instead of her crazy parents and sister. Ever since the date in Miami we havn't really talked about what we are yet, nothing really has changed much but hopefully it will soon.

Beside You: A Matt Espinosa FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now