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Hey guys so I decided that I am going to change the title of the book. But I want your opinions, maybe y'all could either comment or message me ideas and before I change the title I'll put what I want it to be in my next authors note and you guys can tell me if its okay or not.

ALSO my next two chapters are gonna be super long and very interesting I'm really hype about it lol. So be sure to read them trust me it'll be worth it.

Don't forget that these medical facts ARE NOT REAL. I'm making everything up like I don't even know if the way I'm doing the transplant is even a real thing lol.

Lastly I'm almost at 3k guys that's amazing 😍 thanks so much for reading ilysfm.

Ok most of you probably didn't even read all of this but if you did thanks yo. You da real MVP😎

OH ONE LAST THING: I want to start interacting with you guys more so maybe I'll have a question or something in my authors note each chapter. Sooooo

What's your favorite boy? I'm personally a Matt and Jack J girl😜

Beside You: A Matt Espinosa FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now