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Hey guys ok so that was my last chapter for Beside You. If my last chapter gets 20 votes at some point then I'll write an epilogue for the story so if you want that, vote 😜

I may have changed it by the time you read this but I'm switching my username from Mattspotatos to Johnsonjaunt to match my Twitter.

Ok lastly, I will be starting a new book called Teenage Memories. I think it'll be a Jack Johnson story but that's not set in stone yet. If you have any suggestions for the girls name comment because I'm struggling with that a little.

Anyway thank you so so much for reading you don't know how much you guys mean to me. And an extra thank you to all of my active readers, y'all are the best. Until next time👋


Beside You: A Matt Espinosa FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now