Chapter 4

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"Yeah, and this is..?"

"Mick, it's uh it's me..Mick."

"Mick! I'm so sorry I didn't recognize your voice and I got a new phone so I lost all my contacts so I didn't know who this was but... Mick! It's so good to hear from you. I was actually going to call mom and dad today to wish you a happy 16th...but I didn't know if you wanted to hear from me so I decided not to."

"Well actually Kenz, I'm in Baltimore for the weekend. And I was wondering if I could drop by...I havn't seen you since last year and I don't know, it was just an idea."

"Of course! Let's go to lunch or something. Should I pick you up or-"

"We can pick you up. I'm here with Matt. I'll see you tomorrow at 12."

"Ok sounds good. Bye Micky happy birthday."

"Thanks Kenz." I hung up and felt relieved. I've never been so anxious about a phone call before. It's weird, Kenz and mines relationship. We used to be so close before the drugs but now we're strangers. I mean what sisters haven't seen each other or even talked in a year.

We pulled up to a Carrabbas Italian Restaurant for dinner. Matt knew it was my favorite so he takes me here for my birthday and other special occasions.

We got a table almost immediatley and we both ordered right away since we got the same thing everytime we came here.

"So what did your sister say when you called her?"

"Well pretty much just that she's excited to see me. We're going to pick her up for lunch tomorrow at noon."

"At noon? Are you eighty?" He joked with me.

"Noon, twelve, midday, same thing." I scowled.

We ate our dinner and then checked into a nice hotel by the aquarium.

"Matt I don't even have any clothes!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes you do, I packed us each a bag just incase we decided to stay for more than a day."

Sure enough he had packed me a bag with everything I needed including my favorite outfit. I told you...he's my superhero.

"And again Matthew Lee Espinosa comes in to save the day!" I said jumping on the comfy hotel bed.

"You know I always got your back." He laughed while throwing a pillow at me.

"PILLOW FIIIIGHT!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs taking another pillow from the bed and throwing it at Matt. Pillows were being thrown left and right. We were on different beds throwing them until I jumped from my bed to his. Once I landed on his bed I lost my balance and fell on top of him. My body on top of his, his eyes looking into mine. For a moment we didn't speak just smiled.

Then I broke the silence by saying "I surrender." And pulled myself up from him.

"So I win?" He asked with a smirk.

"Until next time Sargent Espinosa." I said solluting him.

"It's been a pleasure Sargent Clark." He said solluting me back. We both exploded in fits of laughter and then finally started getting ready for bed.

I climbed into my bed and him into his. We both turned out our lights and got cozy in the soft comforters.

"Goodnight birthday girl." He whispered.

"Goodnight Sargent."

I have some ideas on what should happen at the lunch tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about them! The upcoming chapters will be longer than these past ones don't worry.

Twitter: mattspotatos

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