Chapter 13

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*Mick's POV*

Matt and I jumped in the car and I plugged the address into our GPS. I was so anxious to see what would come of this visit, I didn't say anything the whole ride their and neither did he. After a bit of driving our navigation system went off telling us we had arrived at our destination. We had stopped at a nice looking house with a moving truck in front of it. As we got out of the car two men were carrying a couch out of the house onto the truck. Matt and I jumped out of the way and walked up the sidewalk. I saw a little dog staring at me in the doorway. The door was already open so I rung the doorbell not knowing what else to do.

"Scott can you get that?!" I heard a women yell. My stomach dropped, Scott wasn't the mans name on my birth certificate.

"Hello, can I help you?" A man said who I assumed was Scott. He looked to be in his young 30s.

"Uhm, yes. I'm looking for a Bethany Elswerth?"

"Yeah, uhm please come in. I'll go get her." Matt and I walked into the foyer and stood their silently. Matt took my hand trying to calm me down.

A women the same age as Scott walked in holding a baby boy on her hip.

"Hi, can I help you?" She asked pleasantly. She has long hair a similar color to mine and brown eyes. She was really pretty.

"Yeah, uhm are you Bethany Elswerth?" I stuttered.

"Yes. Well Elswerth is my maiden name." She said looking confused.

"I'm Mickella Clark. I...I think I may be...your daughter." As I said that her hand went over her mouth and her eyes started welling with tears. For a while she didn't say anything and just stood their like that.

"Here, please come outside with me and sit down. All of the furniture's in the truck." She managed to say pulling herself together. We followed her outside onto the deck and took a seat around her patio table.

"I'm sorry I don't even know what to say." She explained staring at me. "'re so beautiful."

"Thank you." I managed to say. "And I don't know if you want proof or not but here's my birth certificate." I said quietly. She looked it over and then placed it down.

"I didn't really need it. I could tell it was you by just looking at you...So why...why are you here?"

"Well I- Oh I'm sorry this is my friend Matt by the way. He's kind of the reason I'm here actually. Matt brought me down here for a vacation with some of our friends and while we were here I found all of these forms in my suitcase about my adoption and it said you lived here so I thought I'd see if you were still here."

"I'm assuming you have questions for me?" She said with a small smile.

"Lots." I said with a little laugh.

"Well maybe first I should explain everything. I got pregnant with you as a teenager with my boyfriend at the time, TJ. We're obvious no longer together or else he would be sitting here too. But my parents basically said if I kept you then I'd be kicked out. I looked for places to go but TJ's parents didn't want me living with them because they didn't want the responsibility of a newborn and I really didn't have anywhere else to go. I mean I was only 16. So my options were to either have an abortion or adoption. I could never ever get an abortion so I ended up putting you up for adoption. It was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I'm so sorry." She explained wiping a tear off her cheek. "I actually can't believe you came today this is my parents house, I'm helping them move while they finalize things at their new house."

"So you don't live here anymore?" Matt asked stupidly.

"Matt she's married and has a kid, of course she doesn't still live in her parents house." I said making Bethany laugh.

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