Chapter 19

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*Mick's POV*

So today was the day we finally go back to Virginia. It seems like we've been in Miami forever and honestly I never want to leave. All of us were now at the airport saying goodbyes, which frankly I'm never good at, but then again who is good at goodbyes?

"MICKY MOUSE!" Nash yelled my embarrasing nickname as he embraced me in a giant hug. "You better text and call all the time or I will be very upset."

"Don't worry I'll see you during the summer and I'll always call, no worries." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

As I moved away from Nash I walked over to Gilinksy standing on my tippy toes to give him a hug. "If you ever need anything even just to talk, call me. I'll be here for you." I said into his ear so only he could hear.

"Thanks Mick. It was really great spending the last week with you. Please visit us this summer."

"Of course, Omaha can definitely count on a visit from Matt and me."

Jack Johnson then came over to me as Gilinsky went off to say the rest of his goodbyes.

"I'll miss ya Micky." Johnson said giving me a hug. "And for the love of God please date Matt already." Little did he know that Matt and I were kind of working on that already.

"Don't worry about that too much. I think I've got it under control." I told him with a grin.

"Got what under control?" Cameron asked approaching us.

"Nothin'" I replied recieving a questioning look from Cam.

"Well Mick I'm gonna miss you." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'll miss you too but hopefully I'll see you this summer and I'll definitly be sure to keep in touch."

"Good. Call me all the time, and take good care of Matt for me. He's really lucky to have you."

"I will, thanks" I said smiling.

Matt then hugged me from behind telling me our flight was boarding. We waved one last goodbye and got on our plane. Leaving the boys and everything in Miami was sad but the real thing bugging me was going back home. There's not a word that describes how nervous I am to see what I'll be greeted to. My mother told me to expect nothing and nobody but a for sales sign...what a warm welcome.

"You good?" Matt asked touching my knee.


"You're usually not a nervous flyer, what's goin on?"

"Just thinking about what my mom told me when she met us at our suite the other day."

"Don't think about that. We'll deal with whatever we have to when it comes, ok?"

"Ok." I replied resting my head back against the uncomfortable airplane seat. I decided to sleep hoping that this way at least for a short period of time my problems would dissapear.

A few hours later I was woken up by the bumpy landing of the plane. I looked to my left and saw Matt still asleep. I poked his arm and that woke him up.

"What?" He moaned tiredly.

"We landed." I replied standing up to get my suitcase.

"Oh..oh yeah." He realized seeing everyone leaving the plane.

We grabbed our luggage and headed outside to find our car. It took several minutes to locate it but eventually we did. It had quite a few leaves on it from being outside unused for days in the fall. The cooler weather was quite a change from recently being in Miami. I have to say though the crisp fall air was refreshing from Florida's hot and humid atmosphere.

We put our bags in the trunk of Matt's Cadillac 2014 CTS black sedan. Matt's saved every penny he's received since he was eight to get a Cadillac. Apparently his uncle used to have one that Matt always begged to drive. His uncle took him out for his first driving lesson in that car just a couple weeks before he died. He tragically passed away in his sleep one night a couple of years ago. Matt still talks about him from time to time, they used to be really close.

"As comfortable as those beds were at the hotel I can't wait to finally be in my own." Matt said breaking the silence.

"If my beds even there." I mumble under my breath.


*Mick's POV*

As we pull into our neighborhood my stomach's twisting at the idea of an empty house. As a distraction I turn on my phone since it was off during the flight and messages start to pour in. Most are from the boys making sure we had a safe flight and old friends wondering where I had been for so long with such little contact. As I was responding to Cameron my phone buzzed showing I had an incoming call from my mother. By now Matt was pulling into my driveway and so far there was no For Sales sign...maybe my mom was lying. On the last ring I accepted her call nervously awaiting her harsh words.

"Hello Mickella, I assume you had a safe flight since you finally picked up your phone. All of the locks on the house have been changed since apprently you have to do that when you move now and-"

"Wait you really are moving?"

"Yes, I don't lie Mick. The realator is having an open house tomorrow so we need all of your stuff out before then. There's a new key taped under the mailbox. If you don't have anywhere to stay in Virginia, we have a spare bedroom in Baltimore but only temporarily. It was your choice not to come with us we are not responsible for the outcome of your decision." With that she hung up and I was left speechless in the passenger seat of Matt's Cadillac. I knew she was an awful person but this? Really? How could someone ever do something so cruel?

Matt overheard what had happened and instantly asked if there was anything he could do. But this time there wasn't, nobody could fix this one except my parents and it didn't look like that was happening anytime soon.

*Diane's POV (Mick's mother)*

I had decided to drop the charges on Bethany Elswerth. After these papers I'm about to sign I would no longer have the right to sue her anyway. As I walked into the dingy lawyers office I started feeling odd...guilt possibly? Or maybe just that chicken I had for lunch...anyway all I wanted was to sign these and get this over with. Shortly after I had sat down my husband walked in and took the uncomfortable mahogany chair next to me. He wasn't as on board with this plan as I was but he never says no to me. If he did he wouldn't win anyway and he wouldn't dare divorce me. If he were to ask for a separation he'd be left with nothing since my side of the family has all the wealth.

"Are you sure you both know what the consequences of what you are about to sign are? This is very serious." The lawyer spoke furrowing his brow.

"We're positive, please just give me the pen. I have dinner with an old friend in a half hour and I can't afford to be late" I snapped grabbing the papers from the lawyers hand.

"Mr. Clark, you are aware of the outcome of this as well?"

"Uhm, yes. I'm aware."

"Very well then. If you'd just sign there, there, and here, this will all be finished and you will be able to move on with your lives. After you sign this however we legally have to tell Mickella what has been done so she is aware you both are disowning her. She has the right to know you will no longer be her parents."

Thank you all so much for reading guys I'm getting more and more reads everyday and it makes me so happy. I work fairly hard on this and am really trying to improve as a writer. If you have any tips for me PLEASE leave them in the comments or message me ok thanks again 😘😘


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