Chapter 29

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*Mick's POV*

"Mick please just call me back...please." That was Matt's thirteenth message to me since I went to bed last night. I pressed "delete voicemail", just like I had to all of the others and turned my phone off and tossed it onto my bed.

Madi was taking me to the mall today since I hadn't really been anywhere besides home and the hospital for over a month. She was picking me up at 1 and it was already 11 so I decided to start getting ready. I took a quick shower and get dressed into a warm sweater and my favorite dark wash skinny jeans. Lastly, I put on some makeup and then rummaged through my closet to find my brown combat boots.

As I was lacing up my shoes I heard the doorbell ring. Glancing at the clock I noticed it was only 12:30 so I didn't know who it could be because Madi's never early for things, if anything she's late. I walked into the foyer and opened the door to a very cold Nash standing on the front porch with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his blue winter jacket. I let him in and closed the door behind us, shutting out the bitter early December air.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask curiously.

"I came to talk to you."

"About what? Is everything okay?"

"Well Matt's kind of freaking out over the fact he thinks you're going to break up with him or something, and I'm kind of getting tired of hearing him complain so could you call him back or something? I tried calling you but you didn't answer so..."

"Oh yeah sorry, I turned my phone off after Matt's 26th text and 13th phone call." I said taking me phone out of my crossover and turning it back on. "But did you say he's scared I'm breaking up with him?"

"Yeah, I told him he's over reacting but he's still upset. He feels really bad about what he said to you, Mick. I mean if I'm being honest, it was a really dick thing of Matt so say and I'd probably go home and ignore him for a little while too if I were you, but he really does feel bad. And he's really getting on our nerves."

"Yeah, I know he does it's just that...I don't know. I've given up so much for him recently and not only did he say what he said but he's never thanked me or told me how much he appreciates me doing everything I've been doing or any of that."

"I know he hasn't said it directly to you, which don't get me wrong he should, but he does appreciate everything you've done. He tells us all the time how much he loves and appreciates you. Please just talk to him and assure him that you guys are fine because it's driving us absolutely insane hearing him freak out about you. Even Johnson's getting sick of it and you know he doesn't get annoyed easily. "

"Ok, I'll call him in a minute but I can't go over because Madi will be here any second to take-"

"Wait, Madi's coming over?"

"Yeah, she's taking me to-"

"She can't see me like this!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked laughing.

"Look! I haven't even showered today! Smell me, do I smell ok?!"

"What? No I'm not smelling you!" I laughed pushing Nash away.

"Is that her?!" He panicked hearing a knock at the door.

"You are absolutely ridiculous. Just go out the back if you don't want her to see you, I'll talk to you later idiot."


After we had spent a couple of hours at the mall, Madi and I decided to stop by the hospital so I talk to Matt. I still hadn't called him back like Nash had asked and now the Jacks were bugging me to see him too.

"I'll let you see him alone." Madi said as we reached his room.

I agreed and continued into his room. When I walked in, instead of seeing Matt, I saw Nash sitting down talking to a doctor.

"Hey, is everything ok?" I ask setting my bag down and walking towards them.

"Mickella, hello. There's no need to worry, everything's fine." The doctor said with a comforting smile.

"Where's Matt?"

"He's getting some more tests done, routine stuff don't worry." Nash exclaimed.

"I'll let you two talk, but I'll be back tomorrow to check in." Dr. Gordon said before exiting the room.

"Ok, I'm kind of confused, what's going on?"

"So...the rest of us got tested too, ya know to see if we were a match...well none of us were. We all got test Mick. Me, Johnson, Gilinksy, Kristen, Dylan, Ryan, I could go on and on. No ones a match."

"What? That's impossible."

"He has O negative blood type. It's pretty rare and only people who have that blood type can donate to Matt."

"This has to be a joke." I discouraged putting my hand on my forehead.

"Mick!" Matt yelled walking back into the room.

"I'll talk to you later." Nash said stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"Mick I'm so so sorry." Matt exclaimed hugging me. "I didn't mean what I said, I know you've done so much for me and trust me I really appreciate it. I love you so much and I'm sorry." He said putting both hands on my face and kissing me.

"Matt calm down, its fine." I said giggling.

"You're not mad anymore?"

"No, how could I after your 100 texts and messages?" I laughed.

"Oh thank god. I hate when you're mad at me." Matt exclaimed letting out a deep breath and putting his hand over his heart.

"Well don't worry because I'm not. But listen both of your parents are working and it's almost 4 so I have to go home and feed Burnie, do you want me to pick up some takeout of some sort when I come back?"

"Sure, Chinese at 7?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you later." I said picking up my bag and kissing his cheek before leaving.

"Mick?" He said right as I was about to leave. "Thank you."

"No problem." I responded smiling.


"Alright Burnie, calm down its just me." I said getting into the house and hearing him bark.

"You're finally home." I heard someone say from the other room. "I've been waiting forever."

"Brandon?" I asked recognizing the voice.

"Hey Micky." He grinned walking into the foyer.

"What do you want?" I asked more annoyed than scared.

"Me? Oh no, I don't want anything. I actually have something that I think you may want."

"I doubt it, listen you're-"

"O negative right?"


"Matt. He has O negative I right?"

"How'd you know that?" I ask suspiciously.

"That's not important but what is, is that I can save your boyfriends life...but that's going to be up to you."

A/N: hey guys so I have a question for y' would you feel about me changing the name of the book? Like I don't really like it and it's pretty generic so I've been thinking about changing it but idk, you guys tell me. Anyway thanks for reading and don't forget to vote 😊 love you!

Beside You: A Matt Espinosa FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now