Chapter 18

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*Matt's POV*

"Mick do you not get it?! I like you ok? Like a lot, and I don't really love when you talk to other guys because for once I want that guy to be me!"

Right when the words left my mouth I felt Mick's lips press against mine. Was I dreaming? I had to be, this didn't feel real. 

After a few seconds she leaned back and I looked into her sparkling perfect eyes, wondering what had just happened.

Mick then broke the silence. "I'm sorry. I just-" 

"What? No, sorry for what?"

"I weren't saying anything so I assumed that I wasn't really supposed to do that."

"No, trust me. I'm extremely happy you did that." I replied laughing a little.

"Okay, good." She said giggling as she ran her fingers through her hair. And when she laughed she adorably crinkled her nose.

"Hey, come to think of it we never really had dinner. What do you say we go to II Gabbiano, that Italian place down the street? "

"Matt that place is like extremely fancy, you don't have to take me there. Let's just go to Subway or something."

"No we always go to casual places and you hate Subway. C'mon let's go to the Italian place it'll be fun. I'll make the reservations now." I said getting up and taking her hand.

"Ok but before we go anywhere fancy we both need to get changed. Did you happen to pack a suit?"

"Well I didn't but I'm sure Cameron who practically packs his whole house and is my size did." I said with a grin. Mick rolled her eyes as she laughed and went to her room to change. I then ran to Cameron's room down the hall and knocked repeatedly on his door. No answer. Damn it, I had forgotten everyone went down to the pool. I ran downstairs and hurried into the pool area hoping Mick wasn't ready yet and waiting for me.

"Hey man, everything ok?" Cam asked from the hot tub as I rushed into the room.

"Yeah, but you brought a suit right?"

"'d you know?"

"Lucky guess but can I borrow it?" 

"For sure. My room key is in my wallet on the table next to you. Why do you need my suit?"

"Long story I'll tell ya tomorrow." I said grabbing his room key and dashing out of the humid pool room.

I grabbed Cameron's suit which was neatly hanging in his closet. I wondered how such a neat freak like Cameron could live with such a slob like Nash.

When I got back to the room Mick was still getting ready luckily. I put on the suit and then struggled for several minutes on tying the tie. I was standing in the living room now hovering over my computer watching a tutorial on how to tie this damn tie when I heard Mick walk out.

"Hey I'm almost ready I just have to tie this thing." I said keeping my eyes on the video.

"Ok, take your time our reservations not for another 10 minutes and it's right down the road. Uhm do you need help with that?"

"Well I've been watching this tutor-" I stopped talking when I looked at her across the room. She was wearing a sleek light purple dress that stopped right above her knees. It's straps were covered with small, shimmering, elegant rhinestones and she wore earrings that matched them. She had braided her beautiful strawberry blonde hair into a messy yet classy fishtail braid. I was literally breath taken by her beauty and unable to speak for quite a few seconds.

"Matt?" She asked noticing my staring at her.

"Sorry I look...I was caught off guard a little bit by the amount of gorgeous that just walked into the room I'm sorry." I stuttered trying to make a joke out of my embarrassing daze. She looked down to the floor trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"Let me help you Mr. Sweet-talker." She said walking over to me and placing her dainty hands on my tie. In just a few short seconds she had tied it and tucked it back under my jacket where it belonged. She then unbuttoned the second button on my jacket telling me the correct way to wear a suit is to only button the first one.

"Well thank you for teaching me suit ediquette, I've been lacking in such education for much too long." I exclaimed jokingly making her laugh.

"C'mon let's go to II Gabbiano before we lose our reservation." She said still giggling.

On the walk there the only conversation we had was an argument on how to pronounce the restaurant's name. We went back and forth using cringe worthy Italian accents, if you could even call them that.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we were greeted by a women with a heavy Italian accent who led us to our table. The atmosphere of the place was extremely romantic and warm. There was an elegant white tablecloth decorated with a single rose and candle on every table. The chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling were dimmed giving a romantic feel to the place. The windows over looked the ocean showing us the waves crashing onto the shore. As I sat across from Mick watching her read her menu everything felt so surreal, so incredibly perfect.

"Matt, take a look at the menu." She said her eyes still locked on her own.

I picked up my menu and opened it to find every word was in Italian.

"I say we just ask them to surprise us."

"That sounds like a good idea." Mick exclaimed laughing as she put down her menu and took a sip of her water.

"I get that this is a really legit Italian restaurant but no one speaks Italian in Miami, especially tourists and Miami is a huge tourist city." I pointed out.

"Unless the tourists are from Italy."

"Wow, very true I did not think of that." 

We sat there in that fancy restaurant just laughing and soaking up the perfectness of everything. And as I sat there laughing and talking to Mick I realized that maybe this could really be the start to something beautiful.

Short chapter but I don't know I hope y'all liked it! Please don't forget to vote and thanks for reading! AND OMG I JUST REALIZED I HIT 600 READS SO THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! OK MUCH LOVE BYE!

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