Chapter 21

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*Mick's POV*

*beep beep beep*

I was woken up to the obnoxious and ever so dreadful sound of my alarm clock, it was time to go back to school after our refreshing little break. I looked at my clock and noticed my alarm had gone off 10 minutes late. Uhg Mondays do always suck.

I jumped out of bed and started struggling to find my dark blue and maroon plaid skirt in one of my unpacked boxes. Finally pulling out a wrinkled skirt and white collared blouse I threw them on and completed the look with a loose time to find my blazer today, I looked very Serena Vanderwoodson-ey. I threw on some makeup and put my hair in a messy fishtail before grabbing my bag and running downstairs.

"Hey, I was just about to get you we gotta go." Matt said biting into a toaster waffle as I reached the kitchen.

"Yeah I know, just let me grab my shoes." I exclaimed rummaging through the shoe bin to find my Harlow suede wedge navy blue Sperry's.

"Ok I'll be in the car." 

I grabbed my shoes and hurried out to the car. I got into the passenger seat and slid on my wedges as Matt took off. 

I'm still confused on what Matt and I are. We havn't really had the "Defining the Relationship talk" yet. I mean I'm not his girlfriend or anything but I am definitely not just his friend, I don't know we'll figure it out. 

"So are you looking forward to seeing Brandon today?" Matt asked with a cheesy grin nudging me.

"Is that a joke?" I responded with a sarcastic laugh.

Brandon was this kid who's been obsessed with me since the 6th grade. He's always hitting on me and asking me out and I'm starting to run out of excuses to say no. He's on the football team with Matt and is constantly asking Matt about me. It's almost become a joke between us how annoying this kid is.

"He texted me the other day asking for your number again." Matt laughed.

"Again?! Isn't that the fifth time now?"

"Sixth actually."

"It's getting extremely creepy." I exclaim as Matt swiftly turns into his parking spot at the school.

"Ahh speak of the devil." Matt mumbles as we walk into the school. As I look up I see Brandon walking towards us. Uhg, the perfect way to start my week.

"Hey Espinosa, hey Micky." He winks at me.

"Hey Brandon, whatsup." Matt responds opening his locker.

"I'm having a party tonight at my house, my parents are out of town so I thought I'd celebrate. What do you guys say?"

"Sure, see ya there." Matt answered while taking some books out of his locker.

"Awesome. See ya there Mick." He winked as he walked away.

"Really?" I asked looking up at Matt annoyed.

"It'll be fun and besides Dylan's coming home tonight from college and I don't really want to see him."

"Well in that case let's go." I agreed not wanting to see his brother either. After what happened last month we all kind of had a rocky relationship with Dylan now.


As the last 3'oclock bell rings I jump out of my chair and go downstairs to my locker. I miraculously made it through all of my classes without falling asleep and now all I wanted to do was go home and watch Netflix until the party. If you're wondering why someones having a party on a Monday by the way...tomorrows election day so we have the day off tomorrow. 

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