Chapter 28

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*Gilinsky's POV*

"Alright, we love you too. Bye Cam." Mick said getting off the phone with Cameron. He had to go back to Cali to help his mom move a few days ago but he calls at least twice a day to check on Matt and everyone.

"I'm hungry." Jack complained, as he repeatedly tossed a tennis ball at the wall and caught it.

"I'll go to get something to eat with you if you want." Mick offered.

"Yeah, me too. I saw this really cute girl downstairs the earlier and I wanna see if she's working again today."

"You're ridiculous." Matt laughed.

"Do you wanna come with us man?" I ask him.

"Nah I'm pretty tired, maybe later."

"Alright we'll be back soon." Mick said giving Matt a kiss. She was so cute with him, I didn't like Mick anymore but I was jealous of the relationship she had with Matt. I just wanted what they had and I wanted to love someone as much as they loved eachother.

As we walked down the hall, Matt's oncologist passed us and went into his room.

"Wait, maybe I should stay." Mick said turning around.

Jack and I knew Matt was getting worse but we also knew Mick didn't know. Matt didn't want her to know either so he definitely wouldn't want her hearing what the doctor had to say right now.

"Wait." Jack said grabbing her arm. "Let's let Matt talk to him alone. We should just go downstairs."

She looked at both of us and after a long pause reluctantly agreed with a sigh.

Down in the cafeteria, Mick was obviously anxious to get back to Matt. She kept taking out her phone and looking at the time while jitterily tapping her foot up and down.

"Hey, relax I'm sure Matt's fine. Why don't you get something to eat?" I suggested putting my hand on her shoulder.

"No, I'm fine thanks." She said giving me a small smile. Mick acted like she had it all together but I knew she was falling apart inside. But how could she not after everything that's happened?


When we were about to walk back into the room we heard the doctor still talking to Matt.

"Let's just wait outside until he leaves." Johnson suggested leaning against the wall.

Mick and I stood next to Johnson and starting playing rock, paper, scissors to kill time.

"What are the chances of it working?" We heard Matt ask him.

"I'll be honest they're not the best, most bone marrow transplants have about a 17% chance of working long term.

"He said they most likely wouldn't have to do a transplant!" Mick whisper-yelled at us with wide eyes quitting our little tournament and focusing all of her attention on Matt and the doctors conversation.

"They're probably just talking about worst case scenario or something, don't jump to conclusions." I said now being quite intrigued myself.

"The testing we'll do tomorrow will help us determine if anything has gotten worse, I'll be back when I get the results. If things seem to have taken a turn for the worse then we may schedule an emergency transplant but hopefully that won't be the case." The doctor said as we continued to eavesdrop.

"Just wondering but what do you predict my next results will be...if you had to guess."

"If I'm being honest son...I would start having family members get tested to see if they'd be a match. The results from yesterday indicate that a transplant may be in your near future."

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