Chapter 5

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*Next Morning*

*Mick's POV*

I woke up and was blinded by the sunlight coming through the blinds. I immediately closed them and walked into the bathroom to go get ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I was wearing the outfit Matt had packed me. It was a casual dress, the top was white and the sleeves were lacy and ended a little below my elbow. The skirt part was navy blue in a light material. Matt had even packed my curling wand and some makeup I left at hit house so I curled the end of my hair and then applied light makeup. I walked out of the bathroom to see Matt waiting for his turn.

"Morning." He winked at me.

"Good morning, how long have you been waiting?"

"Only like five minutes." He replied walking into the bathroom. "As soon as I shower and get dressed we can get your sister."

"Ok sounds good."

*30 Minutes Later*

"Ok you ready?" Matt asked opening the bathroom door.

"Yup." I replied slipping on my white sandals.

"Are you nervous?" He wondered as we got in the car.

"A little...yeah."

"Do your parents even know we're going to see her?"

"Uhhhh no, actually they don't."

"Are you ever gonna tell them?"

"Probably not, I don't want them to flip out. They don't really like me talking to McKenzie."

"Where do I turn from here?" Matt asked changing the subject.

"Left, and my phone says we're about 15 minutes away." 

A few minutes later we pulled into my sister's apartment building.

"I just texted her that we're here." 

"Ok tell her there's no rush." He said.

"Wait I think that's her." I exclaimed getting out of the car.

"Micky!" She shouted and came over to hug Matt and me. "Oh my god you've gotten so big, you look great!" 

"You look good too Kenz." I smiled. 

"And Matthewwww." She hugged him and told him the same thing. 

We then all piled in the car and drove to the nearest Panera. We ordered and then found a booth. We talked about school and our parents and mostly small talk for a while. 

"So Micky, I have some news to tell you." McKenzie said as her smiled faded.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fine but uh Micky... I'm pregnant."

"What?! McKenzie you can't be pregnant! How on earth will you be able to take care of a child?!" I was in shock. How could she be so careless?


I cut her off. "Omigod how are you going to tell mom and dad? They'll freak McKenzie. They've done so much for you and now you're going to hurt them again. This is exactly what I was afraid of. You can never do anything right, can you?" I said angrily storming off.

"Mick wait." Matt followed me outside.

"She was finally on the right path for once and now she's going to have a kid to take care of! And God knows who the father is." 

I saw McKenzie show up behind us just as I said that.

"That's actually the bigger news." 

Sooo there's going to be a lot of drama with McKenzie obviously. Leave comments and favorite if you'd like, that would be great. 

Twitter: mattspotatos 

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