Chapter 22

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*Mick's POV*

I woke up the next morning and was immediately blinded by the bright sunlight pouring into my room. When I sat up I was overwhelmed by the massive throbbing in my head, as I held my head the vague memories from last night started coming back to me. The last thing I remember was Matt driving me home after getting into a fight with Brandon. Speaking of Matt I better go talk to him. It may not seem like he is, but Matt's a worrier, he worries about a lot especially the people he cares about. It's not like me to get drunk at a party and I knew he would be wondering if I was ok.

I groggily got out of bed and made my way over to the bathroom, I quickly showered and then got dressed in some leggings and one of Matt's sweatshirts that he had given to me one cold day during a firedrill at school. I put on some mascara and then foundation and powder to cover up the major bags under my eyes...hangovers sure don't look good on me.

I walked outside into the hall and saw Matt on the computer in his room. I knocked lightly on the half way open door waiting for permission to come in. Matt looked up from his laptop and took out one of his earbuds looking at me.

"Hey." I said quietly with a little wave.

"You can come in ya know, you don't have to stand in the doorway."

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I made my way over to the end of his bed looking at him waiting to be pounded with questions. I expected a "What happened last night?" "Why did you drink so much?" "What were you thinking?" "Brandon could have raped you if I didn't come in."

"How are you?" He asked pleasantly surprising me. I wasn't sure if he was talking about my hangover or Brandon.

"Not so great but it's my own fault." I said with my head down fidgeting with the bracelet on my wrist.

"Don't say that, it's not your fault." He said looking at me pitifully. I could tell he felt bad for me but it's was my fault.

"If I hadn't been drinking though it wouldn't have happened."

"Mick, sober or not he would've come onto you. It's not your fault I promise. Please never think it's your fault. It's not your fault Brandon's a major douche." Matt said with sympathetic eyes. I nodded my head and gave him a small smile before he suggested we go get breakfast. I'm usually not one that really eats breakfast but today I think I owe it to Matt to do whatever he wants.

We walked downstairs and were greeted by Matt's mom getting ready to leave for work. Mr. Espinosa must have already left. Matt's mom (Laura) is a nurse and usually works long and odd hours. His dad (Rafael) is a lawyer and also works lengthy days. They generally leave very early in the morning and come home late at night so I wasn't sure why they hadn't left yet since it was 10:30.

"Hey Mrs. Espinosa." I said walking into the kitchen with Matt.

"For the last time Mick, please call me Laura." She said pouring coffee into her travel mug.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Matt asked taking a seat on one of the barstools at the counter.

"Because I actually wanted to talk to you guys." She said taking a sip out of her coffee and standing across the counter looking at us. Did she know what happened last night? Oh God I hope not. I started to tense up at the thought of her knowing what took place at the party. I know one of their major rules is no drinking. Would they kick me out? Where would I go? I never should've gone out last night.

"I wanted to talk to you guys about Dylan." Dylan? Oh thank God.

"Ok, what about him?" Matt asked slightly annoyed.

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