Chapter 25

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*Mick's POV*

"Is there anything you want me to get you?" I ask Matt over the phone. He stayed home sick from school today. I was in my car about to head home but decided to call Matt first to see if he needed anything.

"No I think I'm ok, just come home."

"Ok I'll be home soon. Feel better babe." I said before hanging up. I then started the car and quickly drove home to get to Matt since he was home alone.

When I got inside I put my backpack down and went upstairs to Matt's room to check on him.

"Hey, how ya feelin?" I ask crawling into bed next to him.

"Better." He said with a weak smile.


"Ok I still feel sick but it's probably just a 24 hour thing."

"Yeah probably." I said kissing his forehead. "Omigod Matt, your extremely hot."

"Thanks." He replied with a stupid smile.

"No I'm serious." I said giving him a look. "Are you feeling any worse than this morning?"

"I guess."

"Let me call your mom, maybe she'll know what to do."

"No you don't have to, I'm fine."

"Matt I'm calling your mom."

I then dialed Laura's number hoping she'd pick up, I was really worried about Matt, I just had a bad feeling.

"Hello?" Laura's voice said on the other line.

"Hey Laura, it's Mick."

"Hey Micky how's Matt feelin?

"Well actually that's why I'm calling. He has a high fever and I thought I'd tell you. He seems really sick and I'm kind of worried."

"Well tell him this, tell him to try and get some sleep, have him drink lots of water he really needs to stay hydrated and tomorrow if he's still just as sick drive him to me at the hospital and we'll run some tests but I doubt it will come to that. I see this all the time he probably just had the flu."

"Okay I will, thanks."

"No problem, love you both."

"What'd she say?" Matt mumbled as I hung up.

"She said to get some sleep and stay hydrated so I'm gonna go get you some water, do you need anything else?"

"Advil please?"

"You got it."

*Next Morning*

Before I was about to leave for school I peaked into Matt's room to check on him. He was still asleep so I decided to call him later at school.


It was 4th period; math class. I had a really funny feeling in my stomach so I decided to step out and call Matt.

"Hello?" I heard a meek voice say into the phone.

"Hey babe, how do you feel?


"Tell me the truth."

"...Not so good, but I'm fine."

"Better or worse than yesterday?"


"That means worse, doesn't it? Listen I'm coming home and picking you up I think we should go get some tests done like your mom said."

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