Chapter 15

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*Mick's POV*

"Bethany what's wrong?" 

"Mick, did you tell your mother you saw me?"

"No of course not, why?"

"Well, somehow she knows. She's trying to sue me for seeing you since I violated the closed adoption agreement that I signed when you were born."

"What?! Can she even do that? I came to you, you didn't come to me. That's not fair, this isn't your fault. How could she have known?"

"Did Matt tell her by any chance."

" he wouldn't. I mean we were in a fight earlier but...omigod did he? He was so mad...I, I really hope he didn't."

"It doesn't really matter how she found out I just don't know what to do." Bethany was obviously panicking.

"I'll try to talk her out of it and if that doesn't work then I'll figure something else out but I promise everything will be ok. But for now you should probably go home, I don't want you to get in any more trouble."

"Ok, please contact me though when you have news about this. I'll see you soon." With that Bethany walked out of the hotel and drove away. I was so upset that my mother would do those but I wasn't surprised. I really hope Matt didn't tell her because I honestly don't know if I could forgive him if he did. But who else knows we were there besides Bethany, Matt, and me?

Speaking of Matt when I turned around he was walking through the front doors.

"Matt we have to talk." I said pulling him into and empty hallway.

"Listen, Mick no offense but I really don't want to talk to you right now, okay?"

"No, not okay. Trust me I don't want to talk to you either but something happened and I need to ask you something. Did you tell my mom I met Bethany?"

"What? No of course not."

"I'm serious Matt, be honest. Did you? Because someone told her and now my mom's suing Bethany for seeing me."

"NO! And to be honest I'm kind of pissed you think I'd do something like that." 

"I don't! I was just making sure! Because I know I didn't tell my mom and I know Bethany didn't and you're the only other person who knows I saw her!"

"No, the rest of the guys know too, remember? Jack. I bet Gilinsky did it. Mick I told you not to hang out with him I told you he was bad news, Didn't I!? Did I not tell you?!"

"Why can't you just cut him a break?! It wasn't Jack!"

"How do you know? Did you ask him Mick?!" I didn't answer. I was too busy fighting away tears. "Well did you?!" Matt yelled.

"NO! JUST STOP IT!" I wiped away my tears and ran outside. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to go somewhere. I needed to get away. I walked down to the beach and started walking along where the ocean and sand met, letting the water hit my feet.

I know Jack wouldn't do something like that. He told me he was sorry and I believed him. I don't think he would try and mess with me anymore I really don't think he'd be that cruel. I don't believe Nash, Cam, or JJ would tell my mom I saw Bethany either. They had no reason to.

But no one else knew I saw Bethany. Except...Omigod. I know who did it. I have to tell Bethany.

It's kind of short but my computer's on 6% so I need to wrap it up. I'll try and update later tonight but I hope you liked it! Don't forget to vote!

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