Chapter 10

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*Matt's POV*

Today was the day the rest of the guys got here. Mick and I had had some awesome days alone and the boys coming was bittersweet. I wanted to spend more time with just Mick but I was so hype to see the guys. It was noon and they would be here in about and hour so Mick and I were getting ready to go pick them up from the airport. We had gotten a rental car which will be really useful instead of walking or using taxis for the rest of next week.

I walked out of my room to see that Mick was already ready wearing tie dye shorts from FreshTops and a white crop top. He hair was straightened and she looked great. I was just wearing khaki shorts and my Obey tank top.

"Goodmorning" She said to me while tying up her white converse.

"Hey, you ready to go get the guys?"

"Yup." She said with her perfect smile.

We exited the hotel and hopped in our car, I wanted to be there in plenty of time in case their flight landed early.

*Mick's POV*

As we pulled up to pick up we saw all of the guys jumping around and screaming at eachother. Matt hopped out and starting yelling with them. After a couple minutes of them reuniting, I got out and introduced myself.

"Hi guys I'm Mick."

"Trust me, we know." Nash said eyeing Matt.

What was that supposed to mean?

"I'm Jack and this is Jack, but I'm the better Jack." Gilinsky exclaimed.

"No way I'm the better Jack but this is Nash and Cameron."

"Hey Mick!" They said in unison.

"Do y'all need help with your bags?" I asked.

"I think we got em thanks though." Jack G answered.

We all piled into the car and put all the luggage in the trunk. The rental company had given us a Range Rover so even with 6 of us it wasn't very crammed.

"Can we go to the beach?" Cameron yelled from the back.

"Sure!" Matt agreed.

The boys cheered in the back and then started talking to me.

"You and Matt are neighbors right?" Nash asked.

"Yeah, I live right next door."

"HAVE YOU EVER HAD SEX WITH MATT?!" Gilinsky yelled from the back.

"What?! No!"

"You answered too fast." Johnson spoke.

"Oh please." I laughed.

After answering some more of their (mostly dumb) questions, we finally arrived at the beach. We all got out of the car and walked towards the water. The guys took their shirts off and just went in with their shorts since they didnt have swimsuits with them.

I was standing at the edge of the water when all of a sudden someone had picked me up.

"C'mon get in the water already!!!" Jack G yelled as he was about to throw me in.

"Jack! Stop! Put me down!" I laughed as he threw me in the water.

"Now I'm soaked!" I yelled splashing water at him. We laughed and swam for a little while longer until Nash and Jack J were complaining they were hungry. So we got out to find something to eat.

"How about we go back to the hotel, change, and then go find something for lunch?" I offered.

"Sounds good." All the boys agreed.

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