Chapter 30

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*Mick's POV*

"That's not important but what is, is that I can save your boyfriends life. But that's up to you.

"Up to me?" I ask hesitantly.

"Sleep with me."

"What?" I ask alarmed and disgusted.

"Sleep with me and Matt lives. Don't, and you'll have to find someone else with O negative blood and goodluck with that sweetheart."

"No, Brandon please I'll do anything but that. Do you want money? I'll give you money just name your price, please." I said desperately.

"I already did, either you spend a night with me or find someone else to save Matt." He said stepping closer to me. "I'll give you some time to think about it, but to me the answers pretty clear."

With that he brushed passed me and walked out the front door. As soon as he left I locked every door and window in the house, hoping no one else would show up unannounced again.

After feeding Burnie I then took him up to my room and shut and locked the door. I guess I was a little paranoid after seeing Brandon here. I made the call to Matt and mines favorite Chinese place and ordered sweet and sour chicken with some fried rice. When I got off the phone with them I made another call to Bethany. I forgot to call her yesterday so I thought I'd phone her now to get my mind off Brandon.

"Hey Mick, how are you?" Her friendly voice asked as she picked up the phone.

"Pretty good, what about you and Bentley?"

"We're good, he turns 8 months tomorrow. 8 months, isn't that crazy?"

"He's getting so big!"

"He sure is, so how's Matt holding up?"

"He's...hanging in there. We think he'll need a transplant soon but he has O negative blood type which is making it really hard to find him a match."

"Aw honey, I'm so sorry. I would donate but I'm B positive so that wouldn't work."

"Thanks, I'm sure we'll figure something out." I said thinking back to Brandon's offer.

"Listen hun, Bentleys acting up right now, can I call you back after he goes to bed?"

"Yeah of course, I'll talk to you later."


"Hey babe." I said walking into Matt's hospital room, Chinese food in hand.

"Hey." Matt responded weakly, holding a tissue to his nose.

"What happened?"

"Another bloody nose, it's fine. It's just a symptom." He said tossing the tissue into the trash can.

He looked horrible. He seemed absolutely exhausted and had bags under his eyes. His skin was pale and he was no longer quite as muscular as he used to be.

"Bad day?" I ask setting the take out bag on the table.

"Yeah, I've had better." He said with a meek smile.

"Listen I gotta make a quick phone call, you can get started on dinner if you want. I'll be right back." I said kissing the side of his head.

"Alright, take your time."

I stepped out of the room and walked down the hall a bit making sure Matt wouldn't be able to hear me. I then took out my phone and pressed the call button on Brandon's contact.

"Made up your mind so soon?" He asked answering the phone.

"I'll do it."

"Thatta girl. I knew you'd choose the right answer." I could hear him smirk over the phone. He disgusted me and I absolutely loathed him but my love for Matt outweighed my hatred for Brandon. I had to do this, whether I wanted to or not.

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