Chapter 14

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*Matt's POV*

"Tell me what?" Mick asked behind us.

"Nothing, just something Matt has to tell you later." Johnson said saving me.

"Oh ok, well Nash and I picked out the movie. We're gonna watch Ferris Bueler's Day Off."

We went back to the living room area and turned on the movie. It was a nice night that contained of many popcorn fights and laughter. By the time the movie ended and all of the thrown popcorn was picked up it was midnight so Nash and Jack went back to their rooms. After the boys had left Mick and I said goodnight and went to bed almost immediately.

When I woke up the next morning Mick was already on the sofa waiting for me so we could go to breakfast. I quickly got dressed and we met the other guys downstairs in the dining hall.

"Where's Gilinsky?" I asked, noticing he wasn't there.

"Asleep. Hungover." Johnson stated obviously irritated with Jack's reckless behavior. 

We all ate breakfast and when we were done Nash proposed the idea to go mini-golfing. We all agreed and started walking out of the hotel.

*Mick's POV*

"You guys go ahead I'll meet you there I just need to grab my wallet from upstairs."

"I'll wait for you, you guys go." Matt stated. Nash, Cam, and Jack walked to the mini golf place while Matt waited for me in the lobby. I was quickly walking down the hall when I ran into Jack Gilinsky.

"Oh..sorry." I said trying not to make eye contact.

"Oh no it's fine. I actually wanted to talk to you. I wanted to apologize, Mick I am SO sorry for everything. I've been a real ass lately and I'm really really sorry. parents are actually getting a divorce and I don't know I guess I've been in a "fuck everyone and everything" phase and I really didn't mean to take it out on you and Matt. I really am sorry.

"Oh Jack I had no idea, I'm sorry about your parents."

"It's okay, shit happens." He said giving me a small smile. "But if you don't mind could you keep the divorce between the two of us. I don't want any of the guys finding out yet."

"Yeah of course. My lips are sealed. And don't worry about all that stuff that happened before. I'm over it."

"Thanks Mick, it means a lot." Jack's eyes started to well up and he tried to hide it but I could tell he was really upset about everything.

"Hey, don't worry, everythings gonna be ok." I said giving him a hug. "We were all gonna go mini-golfing but how about I stay here with you and we can just hangout, let's go to the beach or something."

"No, it's fine. I don't think Matt would like that very much."

"Well incase you havn't heard I'm actually my own person and Matt doesn't control me. I'm staying with you whether you like it or not." Jack smiled and thanked me. I really felt bad for the guy. This does explain how he's been acting though.

"Mick?" I heard Matt say from down the hall.

"Hey, I'm actually gonna spend the rest of the morning with Jack if that's okay instead of going golfing." I said as he came up to us.

"Uhh, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked looking confused. Matt pulled me to the side where Jack couldn't hear us and started to bombard me with questions.

"What the hell? I thought I told you not to talk to him. What makes you guys bestfriends now anyway? Last time I checked you weren't to keen on the guy and last time I checked was actually like two hours ago so what's with you?" Matt was almost yelling, he was super angry and I didn't completely understand why.

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