Chapter 27

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*Matt's POV*

"You have cancer." The words kept ringing in my ears. I keep picturing my moms crying face and Mick's hurt and shocked expression.

Believe it or not I think out of all of the people in my life I was doing best with the news. I knew nothing was going to happen to me. I was going to fight like hell to stay alive, I couldn't die, I wouldn't.

I knew if anything happened to me it would destroy Mick and my mother. I knew it would tear apart Dylan, Ryan, and Kristen. I think for once in his life my Dad would show emotion. I just couldn't leave everyone here, I know I'll be ok. I know because I have Mick and the Jacks, Nash, Cameron, and Madi. I had my parents and my siblings. I wasn't alone in this fight and with all these people by my side I was positive I would be alright.

Right now everyone had gone downstairs to the cafeteria but Mick stayed with me incase I needed anything.

She had lied down next to me and we had been talking for a while but she had fallen asleep. I know Mick was up almost the whole night last night and she was exhausted. She looked so peaceful and relaxed as she slept. These past couple of days she hadn't been peaceful or relaxed at all, it was nice to see her relaxing for a change.

"Matthew?" A doctor asked coming into the room.

The knock at the door and voice of the doctor woke Mick up so now she was fully paying attention to the news the doctor was about to deliver.

"Did I miss anything?" Mick asked sitting up.

"No, you didn't miss anything." I laughed appreciating how much she cared.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Gordon. We have the biopsy results back and there's good and bad news. We caught it early so you your chances at recovery are much higher. What we're going to do is have you on chemotherapy pills for a few weeks until the cancer is completely gone. If the chemo doesn't work we need a backup plan and that backup plan would be a bone marrow transplant. Now that's not something we're considering yet but I would recommend having some loved ones get tested to see if they'd be a match incase we need to do an emergency transplant."

"Dr. Gordon please report to nurses station on room 2, Dr. Gordon." The loudspeaker announced.

"Listen, I have to go but consider what I said and I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good day." He said with a smile as he left the room.

"I'll go get tested." Mick said with wide eyes turning around and looking at me.

"No. Micky no, I don't want you getting involved."

"What are you talking about? I'm already involved. I want to help you. If I can help you then I'm going to help you."

"Mick." I said looking her in the eyes. "No. I don't want you to have to get blood drawn or surgery if I end up needing a transplant or anything like that. The only thing I want you to do is be here with me."

"But I want to help you!" She complained tears welling in her eyes.

"You are helping me! You're helping me just by being here." I exclaimed hugging her. "Trust me your helping."

*Mick's POV*

Can you believe it? The one thing that I can do to help him and he won't let me. I hope he knows I'm getting tested anyway to see if I'm a know, just in case.

"Micky go home. Go get some sleep, come back tomorrow or Thursday or something." Matt said nudging me.

"No, I already told you that I'm not leaving you."

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