Chapter 24

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"Maaaaat! He won't stop crying!" I hear Mick yell from Bentley's nursery.

"Hold on!" I yell back, jogging to get to her. She was standing by his crib holding him while he cried. Mick and I had told Bethany that we would watch him while she met her divorce lawyer.

"Can I hold him?" I ask putting my arms out.

"Please do. He's been crying for like 30 minutes and I can't get him to stop." She said handing him over.

"Hey buddy." I said taking him in my arms. "C'mon please don't cry for Uncle Matt little dude." I exclaimed rocking him as he started to quiet down a bit.

"How?! How did you do that?!" Mick asked shocked by my baby skills.

"I guess he just likes me better."

"Oh please, does not."

"What time does he usually go to bed?"

"Like 30 minutes ago." Mick sighed looking at the time on her phone. Before she put her phone back in her pocket I noticed the picture as her lockscreen. It was the both of us from the Halloween party last night in our costumes. It gave me a warm feeling inside seeing her have us as her lockscreen, I'm not sure why it just did. That sounds kind of stupid but it's true.

"You go downstairs and turn on a movie, I'll be down right after I get him to sleep." I told her as I rocked Bentley in my arms.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, positive. You've been with him for like an hour, I got this."

"Thank you." She said before kissing my cheek and walking downstairs.

After about 10 more minutes Bentley fell asleep so I put him in his crib and went downstairs.

"What? No I haven't seen him." I heard Mick say into the phone. "Here's Matt do you want to talk to him?"

"Who is it?" I ask as Mick hands me the phone.

"Your mom."

"Hey is everything ok?" I ask my mom, taking the phone.

"We can't find Dylan. He didn't come home last night. Do you have any idea where he is?"

"No, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"Just keep an eye out. I'm sure everything's fine I'm just worried."

"Tell me if you find anything."

"I will hun, see you both soon I have to go. Love you."

*Next afternoon.*

*Matt's POV*

"Mom it's alright we'll find him I promise." I said comforting my mom and giving her a hug.

"Laura, he'll turn up. He probably just...took a road trip or something." My dad said trying to reassure her.

Dylan's been gone for nearly a whole day now and everyone was starting to get worried, especially my mom.

Mick was at Bethany's house helping her pack and take care of Bentley. She has to sell the house because of the divorce. Apparently she was even moving closer to us. Only a few minutes away which Mick is super excited about.

We've called the police three times now trying to file a missing persons report but they can't do anything until it's been a full 24 hours.

"I shouldn't have let him go out last night. This is all my fault." My mom said putting her head in her hands.

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