Chapter 9

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*Flight just landed*

*Matt's POV*

"Mick wake up." I shook he as our flight landed.

"Are we there?" She asked groggily.

"Yeah people are starting to get off."

"I can't believe we're in Florida this is so cool! Thanks for taking me." She smiled that adorable smile at me.

"I wouldn't want to take anyone else." I grinned back.

We got our bags and headed off the plane. As we stepped outside into the warm Florida sun, we called a taxi and gave him the address of our hotel. As we pulled up to the hotel Mick's phone buzzed.

"It's McKenzie."

"Are you gonna answer her." I asked stepping out of the taxi.

"Not unless blocking her counts as answering."

I laughed and walked into the hotel. We checked in and brought our stuff up to our suite.

It was a huge room. When you walked in there was a small living room with a TV and couches around a coffee table. Next to that was a quaint little kitchen and then two separate, descent sized bedrooms. The view though was by far the best part, out on our balcony you could clearly see the beach and it's crashing waves.

"This is our room?!" Mick asked wide eyed taking it all in.

"I didn't tell you I got us a suite?"

"No! This is amazing!"

I laughed as she walked around touring the place.

"So how many days until the boys get here too?" She inquired.

"They come Friday so 5 counting today."

"Who's all coming again?"

"Johnson, Gilinsky, Nash, and Cameron."

We changed into our swim suits and walked down to the beach. I know I've said it before but as each day goes on I'm starting to fall in love with Mick more and more. I was already in love with her but not this way. I've technically "loved" Mick since we were 6. This was different though. Way different.

It's not like anything would ever happen though, right? I mean the last thing I want to do is ruin our friendship. Our friendship is one of the best things that's ever happened to me, it's all I've ever known. Without her I don't know what I would be honestly. It sounds cliché or something but it's true. I guess I'll figure it at some point.

• • •

We had gone to the beach and went swimming a little bit. The ocean was refreshing in the hot Florida sun. Since it was late by the time we got back from the beach and dinner we decided to go to bed. Mick went to her room and I went to mine. I was so excited to spend 4 more days together.

*The next morning*

*Mick's POV*

I woke up around 9:30 the next morning and decided to get ready. Matt usually wakes up around 10 and always wants breakfast immediately so I showered and got changed into high waisted dark green shorts and a cream colored crop top. I straightened my hair but still ended up throwing it in a ponytail because damn is it hot out and wow will my hair frizz. I walked into the living room and was met by Matt.

"Hey I was just about to see if you were up." He said walking towards me.

"I was just-" I was cut off by the ding of my phone.

"Hold on let me check that, it's my moms text tone."

"Kenzie was discharged today but we won't be home for a few days. Staying with her for a little bit to make sure she's ok. Stay either on your own or with Espinosa's, it's up to you. Please keep house clean."

While reading this text I realized how much I disliked my parents. They didn't give a flying shit about me. I couldn't help but wonder what my birth parents were like, wondering this made me hate my adoptive parents more since they never will tell me anything about my birth parents. Years ago I stole the document all about my birth parents that my adoptive parents kept in a filing cabinet in the office. I wish I had remembered what was in it or where I hid it but it was so long ago I just can't remember.

"Everything ok?" I heard Matt ask, snapping me out of my thought.

"What? Oh uhm ya." I read him the text and he sighed knowing that I had yet again felt abandoned.

"You know I'm always here for you Mick, no matter what."

"I know." I fake smiled. "And same goes to you." He put his arm around me and led us to the dining hall.


After breakfast we had gone to the beach and then went shopping a little bit. And we stopped for some ice cream. All and all it was a pretty good day. We got back to out suite around 7 and decided to turn on a movie in Matt's room.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask flipping trough the channels.

"Doesn't much matter to me as long as-" He was cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating. I checked the caller ID and didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I answered hoping everything was alright.



"Listen Micky I'm in big trouble."

"Huh? How? Where even are you?" I ask annoyed.

"Uhh jail."


"No I swear I didn't do it!"

"Do what?! And I thought mom and dad were staying with you!"

"Well they were but they went out to dinner and I-"

"Why are you calling me anyway?" I cut her off.

"Because I need someone to come down here and get me out but I don't want mom and dad to find out!"

"You must be even more of an idiot than I thought you were to think mom and dad won't find out you were arrested. I told you I didn't want to hear from you again and I meant it." With that I hung up and flopped onto Matt's bed mentally exhausted.

I explained to him what happened and he asked if he could do anything to make me feel better. I told him he had already done it by bringing me to Florida with him so with that we put on a movie and feel asleep.

Beside You: A Matt Espinosa FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now