Chapter 16

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*Mick's POV*

Now that I knew who told my mother that I met with my real mom I had to tell Bethany. I picked up my phone and called her right away.

"Hello?" She answered frantically on the first ring.

"Bethany! I think I know who did this."

"It wasn't Matt?"

"No, I think it was Scott."

"Scott? Like my husband Scott? No he couldn't have."

"Well he's the only other person that knows we met."

"I'll talk to him and get back to you but Mick I really don't think he could do something like this." She hung up and now I was left to go fix things with Matt. I was still so angry with him though. He had no right to flip out on me like that. I feel like he and Bethany are all I have now and I can't have one of the only people in my life hating me.

*Bethany's POV*

I can't believe Mick thinks Scott would have done this. I don't believe it but I have to ask so I can tell Mick it wasn't him.

I sat down on the only sofa left in my parents house waiting for him to come downstairs from putting Bentley down for a nap. I waited anxiously for about 5 minutes until he came down.

"Hey, he's finally asleep. Thank god we brought that portable playpin right?" He said as he came into the living room.

"Yeah it's a lifesaver, but uhm Scott can we talk real quick?"

"Yeah, sure. What about?"

"Well, I'm sure you had nothing to do with this but I need to ask just so I can tell Mick for sure that it wasn't you."

"Beth, what's going on?"

"You know how Diane Clark is trying to sue me for seeing Mick?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well I thought at first maybe Matt or Mick had told Diane that they saw me but neither of them did and Mick has this crazy idea that you told her and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't you so I can tell Mick it wasn't."

"Yeah of course not." He said hastily as he went into the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee.

"Scott? Do you actually have something to do with this?" I asked as I followed him into the kitchen.

"Listen Beth-"

"Omigod! You do! Scott how could you?! She's suing our family! That involves you, how could you be so stupid?!" I was furious, I couldn't feel anything but anger.

"Bethany please, you'll wake up Bentley." He said in a harsh whisper

"Why? Why would you do such an awful thing to me? To us?"

"I...I didn't think she would sue us I just thought she'd tell Mick she couldn't see you! We just started a family Beth, I didn't want her to mess that up! You can't bring in another family member I don't want Bentley to have a sister and what if you get involved with TJ again? She can't mess up this family Beth, she can't."

"She didn't mess up anything, youdid."


"Get out."

"Listen you don't under-"

"GET OUT!" I yelled making Bentley start to cry upstairs. "Scott...please just leave." I say as my eyes start to well with tears.

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