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Students entered into the school, while others stayed out and chatted with one another. Wonpil sighed and walked in. He went right to his locker and went to get his necessities for class, that is, until someone, more like some people, approached him.

"Not now. Not again" he thought to himself as Jaebum, Yugyeum, and the boy who's name he came to know as Jinyoung stood there by his locker.

"Yo Wonpil!" Yugyeum started

"Y-yes?" Yugyeum came a few inches closer and Wonpil sighed. "I thought they'd learn" he closed his eyes and waited for something to happen, although nothing did. He opened an eye to see Yugyeum holding his hand out with a nervous smile.

"Um....about what happened last time...well,-"

"What Yugyeum is basically trying to say is, we're sorry. We've been a bunch of dicks and we shouldn't have started any of that nonsense"

"Yeah as Jaebum said, we're sorry. Especially me. I shouldn't have judged you just because someone said something false about you. I was an complete jerk on my first day at this school. I'm truly and dearly sorry." Wonpil look at them and could see the sad smiles they wore. They looked really sad. Their apology seemed really sincere.

Wonpil smiled and took Yugyeum's hand and shook it.

"I-It's ok really. I shouldn't have hit any of you, or say the things I said. It really wasn't in my place to say any of that."


"Of course!" They laughed at how jumpy Wonpil got. Wonpil gave a shy smile in return.

"We'll see you around Kim" The three boys walked off and Wonpil was left at his locker smiling.

"Today's gonna be a good day." He thought to himself as he shut his locker and went off to class. He walked into the classroom, even though he was fifteen minutes early, to study. Although, someone beat him to it. Someone he's never met before.Maybe they're new. The boy was happily typing away on his phone. His hair was an ash purple but it suited him.

"H-Hi" The boy looked up to see Wonpil giving him a shy smile. He returned a smile and waved at him.

"Hi. I thought I was the only one who comes to class early"

"Add me to the list" the boy laughed and turned of his phone. Wonpil held out his hand and the boy gladly took it.

"Kim Wonpil"

"Park Chanyeol"

"Yoon Dowoon" The two boys turned around to see Dowoon take a seat next to Wonpil. The action made Wonpil giggle and Dowoon just had to smile at him.

"Your new huh"

"Yeah just transferred here"

"Well, enjoy yourself bro. If you need anything me and piri are here" Dowoon flashed his famous puppy smile and Chanyeol could only smile too. His smile is just too contagious.

Soon enough Mrs.Kim entered the room and looked at Chanyeol and smiled.

"Ah Welcome. Your the new transfer student, am I right?" Chanyeol nodded and got up and bowed.

"Ah charming, just like Mr.Yoon and Mr.Kim. I'm sure you three will make great friends of each other" The boys nodded and the bell rang. Students began to flood into the room and situate themselves into their seats. The girls began to look at Chanyeol and twirl their hair between their fingers.

"Class we have a new student joining us. Please come introduce yourself" Chanyeol walked into the front of the class and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Park Chanyeol. Please take care of me. I look forward to this school year" He bowed and went back to take his seat next to Wonpil. Wonpil looked at him and Chanyeol gave a his famous eye smile, which caused Wonpil to smile too.

Dowoon turned to look at the two and quietly sighed. Why is he smiling at him like that??

* * *

"Yoon, you ok?" Dowoon looked over to see Brian walking with him through the school halls.

"Yeah. Why did you call me by my surname?"

"It's what people are doing these days" Brian shrugged and Dowoon copies the action.

"Anywho, are you sure your fine? You look like someone's got you in your feels"

"Yes hyung I'm fine"



"O my Santa Monica piri babe. You scared us" Wonpil looked over to see Brian with a scared expression.

"Oh. I'm sorry.."

"No babe it's ok, Alright? Don't be sad. You'll make me sad"

"But your ass was already sad" the couple looked at Brian, in which he carried no emotion in saying what he said.

"Your sad woonie?"

"No. Brian hyung is being emo"


"Oooops hyung I think Jae is calling you."

"Woonie, no he's no-"

"Yes prince....yes he is" Dowoon gave Wonpil a 'Just go along with it' look and soon, Wonpil followed on to what he was doing.

"Oh he is? Welp, gotta go tend to my wife. See ya gays later"

"I think you meant guys hyung." Brian stopped walking and paused in his tracks.

"No wonpil....I meant gays..."



Brian continued on his journey to look for Jae and the couple was left alone together.


"Yes honey" Wonpil blushed at the little name, but it's nothing new.

"W-were you actually sad?" Dowoon turned towards him and placed his hand on Wonpil's cheek and smiled.

"I wasn't. I was just thinking to myself. Plus, how can I be sad when your around?" Wonpil's cheeks faded to a light shade of pink and smiled.

"Love you woonie"

"Love you too piri" Dowoon kisses him gently, in which Wonpil quickly responded.

They were in their own little world, too busy to realize someone, saw them.




YALL THEY HAD ME SPEECHLESS ESPECIALLY SUNGJIN OOOOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYYYYYY that stuff made my eyes sweat. Not cry. I wasn't crying. My eyes were sweating....

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