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Wonpil was still awake. He couldn't go back to sleep. He was scared of the dark now. He was too scared to close his eyes. Wonpil felt that if he closed his eyes, Mina would snatch Dowoon away and harm him. He was scared of the dark because he couldn't see anything. He couldn't see if someone was there to harm Dowoon, or him. Wonpil made sure to hold onto Dowoon's hand tight as the boy slept. Whether his eyes were open or not, he can't see. Wonpil began to shake violently and he broke out into a cold sweat. He wanted the lights on.


He didn't get a reply. His hands began to shake even more as he felt like thing were just going to collapse down on him.

"Dowoon...W-Wake up...please..."


"Ow...Wonpil what's the matter? Why are you shaking so much? Are you ok?"

"C-Can you turn on the lights? Please?"

"Wonpil what's wrong?"

"P-Please. Turn on the lights please Dowoon" in a panic, Dowoon got up to turn on the lights but his hand was still intertwined with Wonpil's.

"Wonpil..your going to have to let go.."

"I-I'll just go with you." Wonpil quickly got up and went with Dowoon to switch on the lights. As soon as the lights came on, Wonpil began to calm down.

"Babe what's going on?"

"I d-don't like the dark Dowoon. It sounds really dumb but I don't like it.."

"What happened before? You used to sleep well in the dark."

"Not anymore..."

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"Something like that?"

"Wanna tell me?"


Don't tell the whole thing. Just a tiny bit. Mina won't mind. She can't do anything to him...I didn't tell him who..


"Someone was trying to take you away and harm you. It's dark. I don't know if it can happen..I can't see anything so they'll take you without me noticing...I don't want them to harm you."

"Prince, it's ok. I'll stay by your side regardless. Plus, I'd rather them hurt me then hurt you."

" I wouldn't... I don't want anyone to hurt you.."

"Baby it's ok. I'm here with you Alright? Forever and always."

"I don't think I'm going to sleep."

"I'll stay up with you then"

"No! You'll be really tired in the morning. I want you to rest yourself! I'm going to protect you Incase whatever happened in my dream is true.."

"Wow your silly. I'll protect you too Incase they harm you. So, I'll stay up."

"Do you want to?"

"Only for you cutie. Plus I stayed up before." Wonpil looked up and gave a tired smile.

"Gosh your so fucking cute but when you argue with me your like a spawn of Satan"

"Says you. Your really scary. Your voice is a tone deeper, and the fact that your voice is already deep makes it scarier. Plus you look like your going to fight me"

"I'd never fight you. I can't hurt you Wonpil. I'm not that type of person."

"I know. Your just my cute and cuddly Dowoonie"

"Only for you honey. Only for you" Wonpil let out a small yawn and Dowoon looked at him with concern.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to sleep?"

"I'm sure. Are you sure you don't want to go to sleep?"

"I'm sure if your sure."


"What is y'all doing its 1:52 my dudes." The couple looked over to see Jae at the door running his hand through his hair.

"We're not going to sleep.."


"WHY?!! Sleep is a beautiful thing and you guys are taking it for granted. I thought you would've been passed out already Wonpil"

"Piri can't sleep"

"Is something wrong?"

"Just had a bad dream.."

"Oh...y'all lucky you didn't wake up Brian. He's a dead rock my dudes. Only gets up when he smells food" and with that Jae left.

"Why doesn't Jae hyung sleep at Brian hyung's place."

"They go their sometimes but like I think they just end up fucking each other"

"Dowoon! You shouldn't say that"

"It's true though right?"

"Yes...i don't know.."

"Awww what's the matter baby boy?"

"N-Nothinh. You know what, I think we should go to sleep now. WITH the lights on of course!"

"What?" Wonpil gave Dowoon a quick peck on the lips and ran over to the bed.

"Goodnight woonie!"

"Wait what kind of kiss was that? Yah, Kim Wonpil I know your not sleeping" he heard Wonpil give a small giggle but heard fake snoring right after.

"You don't even snore...Well except for this one time when you snored so loud—"

"Uuuh I'm awake.."

"I thought so. How come you woke up so fast when I talked about you—"

"Oh look at the time. It's 2:00 am! Wow it's past our curfew—"

"What curfew?"

"the one we have now. Sayōnara"

"What?? I thought you wanted to stay up and protect me" Dowoon went over and sat next to Wonpil and gave off an intimidating smile.

"Um. Yes" Dowoon laughed at him and wrapped his arms around Wonpil, causing Wonpil to smile.



"Go to sleep"


"I'll protect you and me. Nobody is going to harm us" Wonpil sighed and started to play with Dowoon's hands.

If only he knew what was really happening.


"I'm right here babe. I want you to sleep. Please?" He held Wonpil closer to him and pouted.

"Fine..but if something happens—"

"Nothing is gonna happen sweetheart. I'm right here."

"Ok..night woonie"

"Night pili"

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