Chapter 5: Answers (Edited✔)

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Alecia and Wallace entered the house and headed into a room; its dark-brown walls gave off a natural vibe

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Alecia and Wallace entered the house and headed into a room; its dark-brown walls gave off a natural vibe. The bookshelf packed with books of all sorts stood against the wall that faced the doorway. Alecia thought it odd for the other bookshelf to contain fewer books.

"Just take a seat there," Wallace said, pointing to a chair. She strode towards it and watched Wallace limp towards the desk and lean his back against it.

"This is my office." The man looked around the room with pride as he leaned on his cain.

"I do all of my research here." He twisted into a smile. "Of course it's pretty pointless now."

Alecia fiddled through her hair, which didn't escape the old man's notice.

"If I remember correctly, your hair used to have a dark shade of black to it, and I see it's no longer that way. It might be due to the tank."

"Wasn't it something called radiation?" Alecia asked, deliberately.

"No, radiation couldn't enter that tank," he said, confidence etched on his face. "You're pretty clever to assume that, though."

"I wouldn't say that." She chuckled and averted her gaze.

"It might be because of your long-term exposure from that liquid." Wallace leaned away from the desk, moved the chair and perched on it.

"It's got the same properties as what you'd find in a mother's womb. I won't explain how we made a replica of it."

"Oh, okay, that's interesting," she said, eyes downcast as she fidgeted through her clothes.

"Mother," she murmured.

"What was that, dear?"

Alecia looked up in response, giving a cheerful smile to brush his curiosity aside before shaking her head. "No, nothing."

"When did you wake up in that tank, if I may ask?"

"The day before your grandson found me."

"You've been there for that long?" he said, surprised.

"I guess, I should've known by the clothes you still wore when Virgil found you." He plucked a blue rubber ball from his desk and held it. "And I'm most impressed, not very surprised-"

"Of what?"

"That you haven't aged one bit since I placed you in that tank."

"But who was I before, do you know? I asked you that question already." She leaned forward, beginning to look impatient.

"That's a question I can't answer specifically." His eyes fixed at the ball. "I was hoping you wouldn't lose your memory that day when. . . they invaded."

"Who invaded?" Alecia's eyebrows knitted. "Are they the ones responsible for the world as it is now?"

"Yes, and I was told you were found under the rubble of a building's ruins." He threw the ball in the air and caught it as it tumbled back. "But the man whom I worked for was convinced that you were under that rubble and dug you out, and at the time, I thought you were dead."

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