Chapter 11: Inner Potential (Edited✔)

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Alecia sat on the one couch in the living room, quietly staring into space. Going back to that place felt like a waste of time and effort. Nothing could be found there but a deserted space of rubble and smell of ash, and she wouldn't want Diana nor Virgil to be in the same danger she had.

Breaking away from her thoughts, she strode towards the bathroom and faced the sink, where she looked at her own reflection in the mirror. The glint of the scissors on the sink's rim caught her attention. She took the band off her hair, which hung down her upper back and over her shoulders, and let it loose.

Alecia picked the scissors, took a chunk of her hair, and cut it.

She stopped cutting, moments later; the small bin was now full of white hair. She adjusted her short hair and smiled as she made the last finishing touch, fringe no longer irritating her. Muffled voices coming from the hallway interrupted her from admiring her hair. Alecia moved towards the doorway to hear, and soon, she recognized the voices as Wallace's and Virgil's-they were having a discussion sounding almost like an argument.

"We shouldn't worry about their delay," Wallace said.

Footsteps along with a silent muttering voice came near. Virgil walked past the bathroom, not even noticing her presence there. After a few moments, Alecia stepped out the bathroom, avoiding Wallace who stood at the left side of the hallway.

"Alecia," Wallace called out, his voice echoing; it stopped Alecia. Slowly, she spun around to face him.

"You look different." He narrowed his eyebrows as he limped towards her. "The shorter hair looks a lot better on you."

"I thought so, too." She smiled, tucking the strands of hair around her ear. "Excuse me."

"Hang on," he said. "I was thinking, today, if you could-not sure if you can-produce that energy. It's been decades since I've seen it."


"I'm a researcher. I can perhaps help you learn more about it if you're interested."

After a few moments of silence, Alecia nodded.


They proceeded on the grass field close to the building. Wallace sat on the bench and rested his hands on his cane.

"Why do we have to be outside?" Alecia stepped on the grass.

"Being in tuned with nature helps." He leaned the cane on the bench. "And I thought being inside would be too closed-in, and it'd, of course, draw too much attention."

Alecia wondered his intentions; if he knew what she was, why was he helping her? He didn't show hatred, unlike the people who caused her pain and even had the audacity to try to kill her. Thoughts flowed through her mind as the strands of her hair gently stroke her cheek, blown by the soft wind.

"How should I start?"

"Closing your eyes helps you focus, so let's start with that."

Alecia followed his instruction.

"Now, try and focus on the feelings that made you conjure the energy."

A frown deeply etched on her face as she concentrated.


"Let's try something else. Condense your feelings into a single point, into the center of your being. You should feel as if you're holding a strong elastic that desired to pull itself back."

She sighed, closing her eyes once more, as her mind trailed off from the world.

Moments went by.

"Fascinating," muttered Wallace, intrigued as he leaned forward.

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