Chapter 8: Hell Has No Fury (Edited✔)

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Ivon took a step away from her.

"She's not supposed to do that!"

Aven's eyes filled with shock as a blue pulse of energy erupted from her body, forcing Ivon and his two men to fly across the room. Ivon got up-confused and shaken-and before he even recovered, another calm, blue flame-like energy slowly emitted from her body; its intensity constantly pulled back as it moved out from her as if it longed to release itself but couldn't. Aven smirked, pride laced upon his lips. The ropes around her dissolved, and she stood, glaring at Ivon.

"D'you think you can get away?"

Leah raised her hand, palm facing him; a circular outline formed within it as if it bent light in itself. Ivon got hit by an invisible force, smashing him towards the cracked wall. In fear, the two settlers dashed through the massive hole.

"Aven," she ripped the ropes off her brother and caressed his scarred face, "we need to get out of here."

She lowered herself, let his arm lean around her, and carried him outside and into the settlement yard.

Ivon got up.

"He's still alive?" murmured Aven.

"He won't be any longer."

"What will you do?"

"You'll see." She levitated off the ground and ascended into the air, a trail of energy emanating from her.

"Yeah, fly away, you cowards!"

Leah took Aven a few yards away and landed into a dead forest.

"You'll be okay here-" She leaned him against a tree-"Don't move."

She flew off to the settlement and stood, her gaze zeroing on the wall. The energy restlessly flowed around her body as it got brighter; darkness surely knew its place, giving way to her light.

"Why are you standing there for?" Ivon's voice bellowed above the wall. Leah raised her gaze up at him, armed settlers beside him.

"No matter what pretty lights you have, you don't scare us!" His fellow settlers cheered after his words.

Ivon made a cocky grin.

"Kill her!"

Without hesitation, they shot their weapons at her all at once. Leah stopped the spikes of energy through her hand, circling themselves as if they were birds in the sky, now condensed into a glowing blue sphere. They continued their vain onslaught as they fueled the sphere within Leah's hand until they finally ran out of ammo. She bore her eyes into her enemies, fixing at the large sphere hovering over her hand.

"She's not dead, and what the hell is that?" someone shouted.

"Dammit!" Ivon disappeared from the group.

Leah stared at the sphere for a moment as her eyes reflected its brightness; she aimed it at the wall ahead of her and launched it-wreaking havoc-leaving behind a large explosion that obliterated it and everyone in it; the cloud of smoke and dust engulfed her.

"Destroy her with everything you have!" said Ivon, his tone a fail attempt at sounding like vengeance.

From the smoke, a glowing blue light illuminated brighter while the smoke vanished. Leah strode through and spotted Ivon standing in the middle of the yard. Spikes of energy hit her from all sides, which only wrapped a swirling blanket of energy around her.

"Enough!" she screamed, and a huge pulse of energy spread in all directions, shutting their weapons.

"Are you going to kill us?" Ivon stepped back, a horrified look on his face. "Isn't killing billions of us enough?"

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now