Chapter XXV: Much Needed Break (Edited✔)

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"What am I supposed to tell him when we get back?" Virgil clenched his jaw, eyeing the cup seriously-if only he could burn a hole in it by staring, the cup would've been broken already-and tapping it with his finger

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"What am I supposed to tell him when we get back?" Virgil clenched his jaw, eyeing the cup seriously-if only he could burn a hole in it by staring, the cup would've been broken already-and tapping it with his finger.

Diana angled her body to him and opened her mouth to say something, but instead, slowly moved her hand to his albeit hesitantly and gently touched his wrist. "It'll be fine. We'll find a way. . . like we always have."

He grinned. "I wish I had your optimism."

Alecia flickered her eyes between Virgil and Diana, curiosity filling her. But before either of them could notice, she quickly averted her gaze and took a sip from her cup. From the corner of her eye, she observed Chuck who still busied himself by his desk.

"So. . ." Norah started, uncertainty washing over her countenance.

Before she could speak, Virgil cut her off. "What's troubling you?"

His forehead creased as realization dawned on him. "That settlement. . . We were supposed to see why they were late in their delivery of supplies. I guess I already found out why."

"That crater, it was the settlement, wasn't it?" asked Norah.

"Unfortunately, yes. We've been traveling for a few days only for our best efforts to be in vain."

Alecia tilted the cup back and forth and watched the red liquid dance in the cup while listening in to their conversation.

"Norah?" Alecia mumbled. "Can you show me where I can wash my hair?"

"Sure. Come with me."


Alecia and Norah walked in the passageway, their footsteps echoing along the walls. Alecia looked at the walls and the ceiling. "I've been thinking a lot about this place. It's huge."

"It really is. It took me a while before I knew where everything is. Looks like I'll be your handy-girl for the time being." Norah chuckled.

"I guess it's time I get used to this as well."

Alecia and Norah passed a few other entrances. At each corner on the wall where each passage began, black squares were stamped on. Each had a number-the one corner had the number three plastered on it, and the one that she was approaching had the number one. Within the passage of number one had stairs leading up into another door.

Norah pointed to the passage on the left. "Here, this way."

It was the end of the passage, where there was a door on the left side.

Alecia stopped in her tracks. "Is that it?"

"That's it."

They reached the room. It consisted of a sink built on top of a wooden cupboard with mirrors on the wall above and a sink with black taps. Next to it was the toilet and the shower, which had a black shower head and faucets, also a bathtub standing against the wall across the shower.

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now