Chapter 37: Ascension (Edited By Me)

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Alecia arched her hand back with a calm collected gaze, strands of her white fringe covered one of her eyes. Dashing towards Eva, she threw a hard punch to her face and kicked her back, before going after her in a fast motion that even an untrained eye would have trouble keeping up.

Eva blocked Alecia's next attack, sending a vibration through the air around them. They both started throwing punches and kicks at each other, slowly they moved away from Aven, and the others.

Alecia grabbed Eva's shoulders before throwing her smashing into the one building.

Alecia dashed with her fist ready. Dodging her attack in a swift motion, Eva watched watch her enemy smash into the building. Dashing into the destroyed wall, she headed towards Alecia before kneeing her in the chin, forcing her to fall back.

Smiling in the moment, Eva smashed Alecia through the floor along with the remaining seven until she landed on the first floor, causing an ash cloud to sweep out from under her.

Alecia lay on the destroyed surface for a moment, with her hair spread out on the floor. The blue flames around her tears apart into filament before fading into nothing. Slowly she opened her eyes; her pupils constricted.

Without a sound to be heard. With such a silence, Alecia, stared at the floors she has just went through. Dust and wooden debris fell around her from the ceiling above.

Eva stood silently on the edge of one of the floors, staring down at Alecia with a calm look on her face. Slowly, she opened her one hand with her palm facing down at Alecia. Transparent blue flames appeared from her upper arm and slithered around it towards her wrist. Condensing into a point, it formed a sphere within the palm of her hand.

Narrowing her gaze, she launched the sphere through the seven floors.

Widening her her eyes with a gasp, Alecia guarded her face with her forearms, and within a moment in time, an energy field formed over her.

Just then, explosion forced itself from the base of the building. The blast radius sent clouds of ash through the windows.

Aven and the three all stood watching from a safe distance. Virgil, and Diana, had worrisome look on their faces

"What the hell is happening?" Virgil said taking a step forward.

"Excuse me?" Diana said tapping Aven's shoulder, urging him to look at her.
"Do you know what's happening?"

Aven looked ahead of himself.
"Alecia. She's okay. If that's what you're wondering."

"How do yo–" Diana was interrupted by a loud thunderclap coming from the building.
"What was that?"

Aven looked up at the building, watching as debris and broken glass falling from all sides of it.
"Leah..." he said with a narrowed look, which urged her to turn to him.
"You grab Virgil, and I'll grab Diana."

"Why. What do you mean?" Leah said with a confused look.

"Don't you notice," he simply said raising his head.

Leah looked up at where he's staring, urging her turn her gaze the building. For a moment she was watched as the structure started to collapse into itself.

"Oh no!" Leah said, wide-eyed. She ran to Virgil, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders before ascending to the air followed by Aven flying behind her with Diana.

Aven and Leah turned around, and watched the building collapse inward until there was nothing nothing left, but a thick cloud of ash and dust that spread out to all sides.

Above the the wreckagege, a small figure was seen hovering.
"Is that Alecia?" Virgil said, narrowing his eyes.
"I can't make it out."

"No," Leah simply said.

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