Chapter 36: Inner Flame (Edited By Me)

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"Why did you come here!?" Virgil asked, glaring up at her.

The woman turned her gaze to him, and gave a slight smile.
"I have been rather busy lately." She said, staring into the distance before looking down at him.
"However. I noticed odd things happening," she gestures out her hands.

"Well. Driven by my curiosity... I found you." She lowered her hands to her side and looked between him and Diana.
"I never expected to see you two again, let alone, her." She trained her eyes to Alecia.

"Who are you?" Alecia asked.
"Are you another Evie?"

The woman chuckled.
"Me... Evie?" She scoffed, opening her eyes.
"What a ridiculous name. Just as ridiculous as Chuck himself." Her smile faded
"No. My name is not Evie. I fashioned myself my own name, and it is Eva."

Alecia stared up at Eva for a moment. Still, she hovered in the air above.
"Eva, huh," she frowned and begun to levitate off the ground before ascending. Both Virgil and Diana watch her in awe.

"Alecia?" Virgil said as he locked his eyes on her while she ascended.
"How are you doing that?"

Ascending, Alecia turned to face him.
"I learned this from Aven at a young age, long ago," she said with a slight shrug.
"It comes naturally to me." She smiled, turning to face Eva.

"Aren't you nervous for her?" Leah asked, taking a look at Aven beside her.
"Shouldn't you help?"

"No," he said. Leah looked at him wide-eyed.
"If anything happens, she'll handle it."

"What if she can't?"

Aven looked at her.
"Then we'll be ready to help."

Staring at Eva for a moment with her gaze meeting hers. Alecia felt a strange atmosphere in the air, as if it was radiation from Eva herself.

Alecia closes her hands into fists, and slowly moved the one to the middle of her chest. She clinched her jaw while trying not to avoid eye contact with Eva.

Eva narrowed her eyes and moved her head slightly, still locking her eyes on her
"What's the matter? You seem worried."

"That energy..." she said with a thoughtful gaze.
"It's so strange to feel how familiar it is to my own."

Eva stared blankly at her for a moment, and closed her eyes with a smile .
"I think it's rather wonderful," she said, moving strands of hair around her ear, and opened her eyes to look at Alecia.

"Alecia. She's dangerous," Aven said, drawing Alecia's attention to himself.
"You can't talk to a thing like her!"

Eva glare down at him as her eye pupils begun to glow.
"What an awful thing to say." She said narrowing her eyes.
"Someone like you needs to be silenced."

"Then you'll be facing me if you try." Leah said stepping forward in front of Aven.

"Eva." Alecia, said with a gentle look in her eyes, urging Eva to look at her.
"You came here. Why?" She narrowed her eyes.

"As I said before." She said resting a hand on her hip.
"I've been busy." She looked on her right and slowly raised her gaze above the building.

"That was you wasn't it?"

Eva turned to Alecia, strands of her hair brushed against her cheek from the gentle air.
"Yes. A lot of them had it coming, while others were not even grateful." She looked at the palm of her plated hand.
"So, you killed innocent people along the way?" Alecia said, clinching her fist near the middle of her chest.

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