Chapter 32: Tale of The Past (Edited By Me)

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After a moment of looking down at her, he let out a sigh.
"What do you mean?" He asked.

Alecia looked at both palms of her with a growing guilt building up on her face. She closed them, and crossed her arms as if she tried to hide her hands.

Letting out a sigh, she opened her eyes to look at Aven, and Leah.
"It doesn't matter," she said with a calm tone and stood up. Her gaze still fixed at the floor.
"Sorry you had to see that." She said, averting her eyes.

"It's not an issue," Aven said looking at Leah, beside him and turnd to Alecia.
"Tell me." Which urged her to look at him.

"Do you know your name?" He narrowed his gaze, bracing for an answer.

Looking at the two of them, she fixed her gaze on Aven.
"They call me Alecia."

"And so you don't call yourself that?" Aven said with an intrigued look.

"I do." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Who's Virgil?" Aven asked crossing his arms.

"He's my..." Alecia averted her eyes in thought.
"What did-?" She looked at him with a puzzled gaze.

"How did you know about him?" She narrowed her puzzled gaze.

"You've been mentioning his name earlier." Aven said, crossing his arms

Alecia looks at the flood with a confused look in her eyes.
"I-I really don't remember that." She said, shaking her head.
"Did you see him? Are him and Diana, okay?"

Aven averted his eyes and looked at her once more.
"Yes, they're fine."

Alecia opens her lips as if she was about to say something and turned her attention to the hovering blue flame once more.
"This..." she said, slowly stepping towards it.
"I recognize this." She points at it while keeping her eyes on him.
"How did you-"

"That was me." Leah, interrupted, and moved her hand up for a moment, with a slight smile.

Alecia, looked at Leah, wide-eyed
"How?" She said, turning her gaze to the flame.
"I thought-"

"That you were the only one?" Aven, interrupted with a smile and stepped towards her.

Alecia looked at Aven.
"You still haven't told me who you are?"

He smiled.
"I am Aven, and she is my younger sister, Leah." He said, gesturing his hand to Leah, and looked at Alecia.

Alecia turned her gaze to Leah, and received a slight smile from her. She smiled back and looked at Aven.
"And you know me?" She narrowed her eyes.

Aven nodded
"Yes." He said, forming a slight smile.
"But Leah here," he said looking at her and back at Alecia.
"This is the first time she's met you."
Alecia trained her eyes to Leah for a moment and back at Aven.
"But you and I. We know each other."

"So..." Alecia said, averting her eyes with a calm look on her face.
"After so long..." She paused, staring at him with a questionable look.
"After so long, you've decided to come for me only now?" She slowly took a breath.

Aven let out a sigh, and averted his eyes, only to look at her once more.
"And how long has it been?" She narrowed her eyes with a stern look.

"it's been-"

"Forty years." Alecia interrupted with a nod and stepped towards the other chair with a downcast look.
"I know that already." She said, looking at him.
"So why now?"

Aven looked at the floor and back at her.
"There were complications."
He sighed and turned his gaze to the one molded wall, only to look at her once more.

Awaken Into a New World Book 1 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now