Chapter 31: Blue Ash (Edited By Me)

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In the middle of the city within the one building.

Alecia, Aven, and Leah walked in the wide passage. With Aven, keeping Alecia, close to himself.

"It's getting dark." Alecia said.
"I don't like it."

"I can help with that." Aven, said.

"No." Leah, said.
"Allow me."
A blue flame ignites within her hand. The darkness flees as the flame lights up the room.

The floor is now more visible, which is covered ash. Dulling the color of the wood.

On each side of the passage, long wooden chairs stand with cream colored cushions knitted in them. After all this time, the chairs remained.

Alecia stared at the calm blue flame sitting on Leah's palm of her hand, her eyes reflecting its light, as her pupils slowly constricted.
"So pretty..." she said, edging her index finger towards it.

"Here you go," Aven said interrupting her and walked her to the one chair.
"Sit here for a bit okay."

Nodding slowly, she looked at the musical box in her hands. Aven could not help but watch her with a compassionate look in his eyes.

Stabilizing the flames, Leah moved her hand away, and let it stay in a fixed position, and watched it form itself into a calm, harmless, swirling sphere.
"Aven," Leah said, averting her gaze to him. He turned to Leah and walked to meet her.
"What are we going to do?" asked she.

"What do you mean?" Aven said, standing in front of her with a narrowed look.

Averting her eyes from him, she looked over his shoulder.
"Her," she simply said.

Aven looked behind himself at Alecia, who has now opened her music box once more.
"What about her?" he asked, looking at Leah.

"She seems..." She narrowed her gaze with her eyes drawn to Alecia once more.
Signing, her eyes averted.
"I don't think we can do anything for her condition." She looked up at him.

"You doubt too much," Aven said, crossing his arms.
"For once, you should have more faith." He placed his hand on her arm.

Letting out a sigh, he titled his head slightly.
"Haven't I showed you otherwise?" He raised his eyebrows and turned to face Alecia.
"She's in there somewhere." He walked towards Alecia, and sat next to her.

After leaning her back against the frame of the doorway, she crossed her arms, and watched with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"Alecia?" Aven said. After a moment, she did not respond. Her attention is set only on the music box that is still playing.

Aven turned his gaze to her, and closed lid of it, causing the hell music tone to cease.
Alecia, turns her gaze to him with an irritated look.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked with a slow tone.

Alecia averted her gaze with a deep thought in her eyes.
"No," she said shaking her head, and looked at him.

"Asking her more than once, won't give you an answer,* Leah said, leaning off the doorframe.
"You've already asked her that earlier."

"Just..." Aven said looking at her.
"I'm trying something." He looked at Alecia once more.
"Do you know who you are?"

"Me?" Alecia said, without hesitation.
"I am me." She averted her gaze.

"Your name, I mean." Aven added.
"Do you know your name?" he asked, awaiting an answer from her.

She looked at him wide-eyed, abd turned away. Her hands gripped tight on the box as her knuckles began to whiten.
"My name..." Her eyes began twitching. No matter how hard she tried, she can't recall anything at all; not even her name, out of all things.

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