Chapter 41: Going Back Home

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Diana, and Virgil, stopped waving watched Alecia disappear into the distance before staring at the orange clouds above.

"I can't believe she's now gone." Diana, said.

"Yes," Virgil said, lowering his gaze to look ahead of himself and stayed silent for a moment.

Diana turned her gaze to Virgil and stared at him in curiosity.
"Is that a tear on your cheek?"

Virgil looks away and stepped aside before wiping his face.
"The sky is too bright."

Diana, looks up with a frown.
"The sun hasn't risen that far yet." she looked at him once more.

"You know, I don't cry."

Diana formed a slight smile, still looking at him before turning her gaze to the clouds once more.
"Do you want me to make you something hot to drink?" She asked.

Virgil turned to her with bloodshot eyes.
"That'll be great, thanks."

Diana, and Virgil, walked up the steps and into the house.

The morning is now filled with silence as the door of the house shut closed, with only the wind that is conquering the beginning of this new day.


Far from the town, with the ever increasing distance, Alecia, Aven, and Leah, continued to fly high above the ground.

"I honestly didn't think we'd stay here for this long,' Aven said, watching the buildings of the city pass by.

"Neither did I." Leah said, her arms crossed and glanced at she glanced at the city below a blank look in her eyes.

Alecia formed a slight smile while she heard their conversion.


"It is around here," Aven said, looking below at the ruins for a moment.

"I remember you landing it here." Leah added, and descended into the city, with Aven, and Alecia, descending after her.

Lending gently on the ground, Leah walked slowly. For a moment, she around in wonder.

"Did you see it?" Aven said landing with Alecia.
"Is it here?"

"Yes. It is..." Leah said, looking around with her fingers on her chin.
"There it is!" She said pointing to her left.

Alecia,and Aven walked towards her before seeing the ship standing. Still, without a scratch.

Aven let out a sighs of relief before he walked towards the black ship.
"I had myself worried for a moment."


The three of them stood near the hatch of the ship.
"Alright, if I just..." Aven said typing the small screen near the entrance and just then, a mechanical sound was heard within.

"There..." he stood back, and signaled for Alecia, and Leah to move away. With a high pressured sound, the hatch started opening.
"Within just a few moments, we will be gone from here." He said, locking his eyes on the hatch as it continued to op n up.

Alecia turned her gaze from the hatch, and looked at him for a moment before looking the interior of the ship.

The hatch opened completely. Aven gestured for Alecia to walk in first and watched her step inside.
"Your turn," he said, looking at Leah.

He waited until she walked and followed after her.


Alecia stepped in and looked around the interior of it. She saw the cockpit on her right, with a large curved window spreading out from one side of the cockpit to the other with four seats near the consoles of it.

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