Chapter XXVIII: When Paths Cross (Edited ✓)

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Eva's way of walking was as elegant as a woman

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Eva's way of walking was as elegant as a woman. She exuded calmness. The white plates embedded in her body were flexible and morphed according to her movements.

Eva entered the room with desks. She stood in the middle, looking around it. Two individuals ran out of the passage, a man and a woman. The man abruptly stopped when he noticed Eva.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of hurting you."

"Who are you?"

Eva looked at him. "Now, Virgil. Thanks to Alecia, I live." She brought her hand to his face, but he stepped back.

"You don't have to be afraid."

"What did you do to Alecia?"

"What I did?" Eva chuckled. "Perhaps you should ask Chuck that."


Virgil and Diana exchanged a worried looks. They entered the chamber room and saw Norah kneeling beside Alecia and Chuck near the console at the end of the room. Virgil went to Norah, looking at her. His face remained emotionless as he trained his eyes on Alecia's motionless state.

He stared at Norah. "Is she...?"

Norah's face was blank as she looked up. "I don't know."

Virgil knelt down across Norah, took Alecia's hand and held it with care.

"Alecia. I'm here now."

He looked up at Chuck who was walking towards him and glared, anger and resentment in his eyes.

He let go of her hand and stood.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I had to do it, I wanted her to survive."

"You don't get to talk here," Virgil said, walking around Norah while staring at Chuck.

"You didn't have to do anything!" Virgil grabbed him by his shirt.

"You murdered for that machine!" He threw him against the one chamber and punched.

"Just so you can fulfill your selfish desires," he said, tightly gripping on his shirt, and punched him twice in the gut.

"Virgil, please," Chuck pleaded as blood seeped from his mouth.

Norah tried to protest by calling him to stop. Virgil held him against the metal chamber.

"You have the gift of intellect and this is what you do?" He pulled him, threw another hard punch to the face, and kicked him against the console which destroyed it.

Virgil walked towards Chuck with a closed fist and stood near him, his eyes looking down at him in pity. Chuck struggled to pick himself up, his face bruised and blood seeping from his mouth.

"What are you waiting for?" Chuck gazed up at him. "Do it."

Virgil continued to stare down at him.

"Just do it!" Chuck shouted out in anger.

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