Chapter 22: Watchful Eyes (Edited✔)

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Alecia breathed heavily, her shoulders slumped, before gazing up at the sky where the gray clouds hid most of the sunlight

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Alecia breathed heavily, her shoulders slumped, before gazing up at the sky where the gray clouds hid most of the sunlight. They'd been walking the city streets for hours, and now low on fatigue, their pace evidently slowed.

"I'm so thirsty." She kicked the ashes and grumbled before piercing a hole through Virgil's back. "Virgil, do you have a drink?"

He sighed and swung his bag to his shoulders, rummaging through it. "I just hope they didn't take anything."

Diana moved closer to him and waited patiently.

"Here we are." Virgil took out a bottle of water, and Alecia stepped in with an excited look on her face. He took the lid off and sipped, his face morphing into a look of disgust.

"It's warm." He handed the bottle to Diana.

Diana took a sip and made a disgusted expression, handing the bottle to Alecia. She took a sip as well, narrowing her eyes and frowning before gulping down half of it, some of it spilling on her top.

"Woah, that's quite enough," Virgil said with a chuckle.

Alecia stopped drinking and caught her breath.

"I guess when you're thirsty, you wouldn't care if it's warm or cold," Virgil said, amused.

"I guess not." Alecia smiled as she wiped off the water from her mouth, her mood brightening. "Thank you."

"We should keep moving." Virgil continued with his walk.

Alecia was about to follow when Diana grabbed her shoulder. "I wanted to tell you that I understand, okay?"

Puzzled, Alecia frowned.

"If I were in your position, I'd think the same thing about our kind."

"But I didn't sa-"

Diana shook her head.

"You were right," she said, forming a comforting smile. "I was told that years after the invasion, everyone started killing each other. I tend to think that we deserved what happened, after the things I've seen and heard. I'm not surprised why they killed off most of us. But you should know that there are still those who are kind."

Diana smiled. "After we get back, you can stay and make a home for yourself."

Alecia chuckled, looking at the floor. "That'd be nice."


The three continue to walk through the ruined city. No matter how far they traveled, destruction lay at every corner, every building, and every road.

Everything was ruined.

Alecia stopped in her tracks and turned her gaze down the street. A glass surface resting calmly in the distance came into view, slowly dancing with the sky's reflection.

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